02-07-2018 09:11
02-07-2018 09:11
I am trying to export the activity data that my app writes in a file to an external server.
It seems to me that the fitbit Web API is limited in writing custom data. If not so, please correct me.
I was thinking of using a common service like Dropbox or google drive, and simply update a file I store there with the data. Not ideal, but good for personal use.
I understand I could use fetch() to write something, same as I pull from APIs.
Can someone point me in the right direction as how to implement it? Which service to use, which code to implement? I have been searching the internet for a while, but I can't find a good example that relates to the Ionic Javascript.
02-10-2018 02:59
02-10-2018 02:59
You should be able to use fetch() to POST data to dropbox.