02-24-2018 19:58
02-24-2018 19:58
I've got a refresh button that fires off a message to my companion app to go fetch some data via an API and then updates the text element values based off the returned data.
Here's the code for the image which rotates once on refreshing:
<g transform="translate(30,50%)"> <image id="refresh" href="icons/refresh.png" /> <animateTransform attributeType="rotate" begin="click" from="360" to="0" dur="0.8" easing="ease-in-out" /> </g>
I want the refresh icon to start rotating indefinitely on triggering the refresh and then stop rotating when the updated data comes back in.
How would I accomplish this? The update currently works fine, I just need to start and stop the image rotation using JavaScript.
Here's what I've got:
refresh.onclick = e => { if (peerSocket.readyState === peerSocket.OPEN) { peerSocket.send("refresh");
// TODO: Start rotating refresh icon (indefinitely)
} }
peerSocket.onmessage = evt => {
// TODO: Stop rotating refresh icon
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
02-27-2018 14:41
02-27-2018 14:41
I wonder if you can just keep calling the event, while checking for a status change, once the status changes, stop animating. Something vaguely like this (untested).
<animateTransform attributeType="rotate" begin="enable" from="360" to="0" dur="0.8" easing="ease-in-out" />
refresh.onclick = e => { if (peerSocket.readyState === peerSocket.OPEN) { peerSocket.send("refresh"); start(); } } peerSocket.onmessage = evt => { handleData(evt.data); stop(); }
let timerID = null;
let refresh = document.getElementById("refresh");
function start() {
timerID = setInterval(function() {
}, 801);
function stop() {
02-27-2018 14:41
02-27-2018 14:41
I wonder if you can just keep calling the event, while checking for a status change, once the status changes, stop animating. Something vaguely like this (untested).
<animateTransform attributeType="rotate" begin="enable" from="360" to="0" dur="0.8" easing="ease-in-out" />
refresh.onclick = e => { if (peerSocket.readyState === peerSocket.OPEN) { peerSocket.send("refresh"); start(); } } peerSocket.onmessage = evt => { handleData(evt.data); stop(); }
let timerID = null;
let refresh = document.getElementById("refresh");
function start() {
timerID = setInterval(function() {
}, 801);
function stop() {
02-27-2018 22:57
02-27-2018 22:57
Hmmmm, that's a cleaner solution that removing the functionality all together 🙂 Thanks, I'll give it a shot tonight after work 😄