01-11-2020 18:32
01-11-2020 18:32
Hi I'm working on a project with a virtual tile list.
In this project I can make many more items than even the virtual tile list can handle (constant out of memory). To solve this I want to have the user scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list and then a button will appear to load the next set of data, and then they will be able to continue scrolling through the new data.
To accomplish this I need to reset the position of the virtual tile list back to its original position (after I load the new data).
I saw the post here to do a similar thing with scroll views and was wondering how to do this same thing with virtual tile lists.
Also in general I was wondering if there was more documentation about the views in general, Is there a place that has a table of what special tags can be used with what views, and where some of the useful variables we would probably want to tweek are (iv'e seen this page but it seems to have very limited information besides basic usage)? It would be super helpful to have access the the source files for those views.
01-11-2020 18:33
01-11-2020 18:33
for reference heres the gui
<svg id="TasksScreen">
<use id="checkbox-list" href="#tile-list">
<var id="virtual" value="1" />
<var id="separator-height-bottom" value="2" />
<use id="checkbox-pool" href="#tile-list-pool">
<use id="checkbox-pool[0]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[1]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[2]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[3]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[4]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[5]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[6]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[7]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[8]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="checkbox-pool[9]" href="#checkbox-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
<use id="LoadMoreBottom" href="#combo-button-lower-right" fill="fb-peach" display="none">
<set href="combo-button-icon" attributeName="href" to="images/downloadButton_outline.png"/>
<set href="combo-button-icon-press" attributeName="href" to="images/downloadButton_filled.png"/>
<set href="combo-button-stroke" attributeName="display" to="inline"/>