12-03-2024 20:36
12-03-2024 20:36
Hello. I looked for similar posts but they seem to be a bit older so I'd like to enquiry here.
I am experiencing intermittent 503 (Service Unavailable) errors when making requests to the following API endpoints:
- https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/BYHBMS/devices.json
- https://api.fitbit.com/1/user/CBNN3X/activities/calories/date/YYYY-MM-DD/1d/1min/time/17:39/23:59.json
These errors occur temporarily and resolve themselves after some time, allowing the requests to succeed. I suspect this may be related to exceeding API request limits.
I would appreciate it if you could provide clarification on the following:
1. What are the current request limits for these endpoints?
2. Are there any paid plans available to increase these limits? If so, could you share the details of such plans?
Thank you in advance for your assistance and the provided information.