01-07-2018 04:40
01-07-2018 04:40
I want to log HR, Gyro and Accelerometer data during sleep to a file and then transfer it later when connected.
I'm getting the data OK it's just the writing to a file I'm struggling with. I've got a button that starts the recording every second and then stops the recording and shows the file stats to the console. I'm opening a file in append mode and want to add each 1 second of data to the file.
When I press the stop button the stats always show 40 bytes written!
The writing to file occurs in the refreshData() function. I think it's got something to do with me not understanding the ArrayBuffer and maybe not converting to binary beforehand? I couldn't find any examples anywhere of how to append data to a file.
import document from "document"; import { Accelerometer } from "accelerometer"; import { HeartRateSensor } from "heart-rate"; import { Gyroscope } from "gyroscope"; import * as fs from "fs"; let thisDate = new Date(); let recFilename = `RawDataLogger-${thisDate.getFullYear()}${("0" + (thisDate.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)}${("0" + (thisDate.getDate() + 1)).slice(-2)}.txt`; console.log(recFilename); let fileID = 0; //let buffer = new Uint8Array(8); let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); let accel = new Accelerometer(); let hrm = new HeartRateSensor(); let gyro = new Gyroscope(); // let accelData = document.getElementById('accel-label'); // let hrmData = document.getElementById('hrm-label'); // let gyroData = document.getElementById('gyro-label'); let btnRecord = document.getElementById('btn-rec'); let recording = false; let recFunction = null; btnRecord.onclick = function(evt){ if (recording) { recording = false; btnRecord.text = "Record"; // Stop Device Sensors accel.stop(); hrm.stop(); gyro.stop(); // Cancel the recording function clearInterval(recFunction); // Dev Check - Check the stats of the file written let stats = fs.statSync(fileID); if (stats) { console.log("File size: " + stats.size + " bytes"); console.log("Last modified: " + stats.mtime); } // Close the file fs.closeSync(fileID); } else { recording = true; btnRecord.text = "Stop"; // Start Device Sensors accel.start(); hrm.start(); gyro.start(); // Init the file fileID = fs.openSync(recFilename, "a+"); // Set callback recording function recFunction = setInterval(refreshData, 1000); } } function refreshData() { // Populate ArrayBuffer buffer[0] = thisDate.getTime(); buffer[1] = hrm.heartRate ? hrm.heartRate : 0; buffer[2] = accel.x ? accel.x.toFixed(1) : 0; buffer[3] = accel.y ? accel.y.toFixed(1) : 0; buffer[4] = accel.z ? accel.z.toFixed(1) : 0; buffer[5] = gyro.x ? gyro.x.toFixed(1) : 0; buffer[6] = gyro.y ? gyro.y.toFixed(1) : 0; buffer[7] = gyro.z ? gyro.z.toFixed(1) : 0; // Write ArrayBuffer to file fs.writeSync(fileID, buffer); }
I could correctly read and write using a readFileSync & writeFileSync but I need to keep appending each set of data which I assume means usig writeSync.
Any help or pointers anybody please?
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01-07-2018 08:41
01-07-2018 08:41
I haven't tested this but you should close the file from time to time, to flush any cached data.
Basically I would create a function like this and call it every time I want to add something.
function append(filename, buffer) {
let fd = fs.openSync(filename, 'a+');
fs.writeSync(fd, buffer);
01-07-2018 08:41
01-07-2018 08:41
I haven't tested this but you should close the file from time to time, to flush any cached data.
Basically I would create a function like this and call it every time I want to add something.
function append(filename, buffer) {
let fd = fs.openSync(filename, 'a+');
fs.writeSync(fd, buffer);
01-07-2018 11:16
01-07-2018 11:16
I thought I'd tried to do a close after every write, but maybe my code was in a different state and something else was wrong at the time. I was also worried about doing it every second, but it seems ok.
Brilliant! I can crack on now, tidy it up and then get a companion app to transfer the file to.
Thank you again.
01-07-2018 11:48
01-07-2018 11:48
You could keep the file open for a while, for several writes, and then do a close+reopen.
The following example MIGHT try to close the file every 5 seconds. It will reopen if it is closed using the getFd() method. If someone closes the app before you do a close I guess you might loose that data. You would have to test it.
var _fd = null;
const filename = 'somefile.txt';
setInterval(closeFd, 5000);
function closeFd() {
if (_fd != null) {
_fd = null;
function getFd() {
if (_fd === null) {
_fd = fs.openSync(filename, 'a+');
else {
return _fd;
function append(buffer) {
let fd = getFd();
fs.writeSync(fd, buffer);
01-07-2018 13:38
01-07-2018 13:38
Yeah that looks like it'll do the job, a singleton that last for 5 secs and respawns!! I'll test tomorrow.
I was gonna look into making it a background app anyway so there shouldn't be an issue with losing data. I'll leave the code open/closing every second for tonight and see what kind of battery life it uses. Every 5/10 secs I expect would improve battery life and I might not even need 1 second granularity anyway, but the more data a learning algorithm has the better chance it has of spotting a pattern.
Cheers again!
01-07-2018 14:04 - edited 01-07-2018 14:04
01-07-2018 14:04 - edited 01-07-2018 14:04
Hook into the Appbit onunload event to close the file if still open. (https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/device-api/appbit/)
Belt and braces and all that. 🙂
01-08-2018 11:04
01-08-2018 11:04
Cheers @SunsetRunner I like me some belt 'n braces! I don't mind a bit of code bloat if it's for good reason! Besides it's good to know so I can incorporate onunload in a std app template. As I learn more I enhance my template adding more useful things. I'll actually make a post if people can share what they use to see if we can come up with a good one.
I ran my logger for 8 hrs last night and it used 12% battery. I'm gonna put in a 5 sec interval buffer write instead of every 1 sec to see if I can claw back 1 or 2 % of that juice. I'm under no illusions that it'll be the 1 sec readings that use the bulk but it'll be interesting to see if it saves any at all.
12-09-2019 15:11
12-09-2019 15:11
Hi, this is an old thread. However, I'm wondering if you can share the whole app code? I'm interested in recording raw accelerometer data, but am having trouble combining it with the file transfer code. I'm not very good at JS so some references would be very helpful!