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Maximum call stack size exceeded


Hey there,


I'm working on an update to a watch face I built a little while ago, and when I attempt to build it, it is giving me the error "Maximum call stack size exceeded" without any further information!


This is the repo, if that is any help. I imagine it has something to do with either one of the newer UI's I built, or the fitness function implementations that expect to run on beefier hardware - I'm going for some light machine learning to provide realtime insights / predictions, but that's hard to do with the call stack size exceeded 🙂 anyways, if anyone has run into this and knows of anything obvious, such as "oh you have a crazy recursive function somewhere" etc I'd appreciate it.



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I had included underscore.js, and that did not jive with the fitbit os compiler.


Anyways, I created a custom light version with just the functions I needed, and that seems to be agreeable.


For those that are curious, the underscore replacement took the shape of lfn.js:

A light native alternative to underscore, as the fitbit compiler was not able to handle the callstack size :(
Many of the solutions are pulled from
Alternatively I may pull directly from lodash or underscore
const makeSelect = (comparator) => (a, b) => comparator(a, b) ? a : b
const pluck = (list, name) => => x[name])

const first = (list, valueOrPredicate) => {
let i = 0

if (typeof valueOrPredicate !== 'function') {
let val = valueOrPredicate
valueOrPredicate = (newVal) => newVal === val
while (i < list.length && !valueOrPredicate(list[i])) i++
return i < list.length ? list[i] : undefined

const all = (list, valueOrPredicate) => {
let i = 0
if (typeof valueOrPredicate !== 'function') {
let val = valueOrPredicate
valueOrPredicate = (newVal) => newVal === val
while (i < list.length && valueOrPredicate(list[i])) i++
return i == list.length

//from underscore.js
// Returns whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs.
const isMatch = function(object, attrs) {
let keys = Object.keys(attrs), length = keys.length;
if (object == null) return !length;
let obj = Object(object);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false;
return true;

//from underscore.js
// accepts an array to retrieve the properties in an object recursively
const deepGet = function(obj, path) {
const length = path.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (obj == null) return void 0;
obj = obj[path[i]];
return length ? obj : void 0;

//from underscore.js
// A helper function to wrap callbacks appropriately, and safeguard against empty callbacks etc
const cb = function(value, context, argCount) {
if (value == null || value == undefined) return (v) => v;
if (typeof value === 'function') return value.bind(context)
if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) return v => isMatch(v, value);
//at this point we're only left with a string or a number, so we'll retrieve either an index or a property
return Array.isArray(value) ? v => deepGet(v, value) : v => v[value];

const _ = {
uniq(list) { return [ Set(list)] },
pairs(object) { return Object.entries(object) },
first: first,
keys: Object.keys,
sum(list) { return list.reduce(function(memo, num){ return memo + num; }, 0) },
flatten(list) { return list.reduce( (a, b) => a.concat(b), []) },
minBy(collection, key) {
// slower because need to create a lambda function for each call...
const select = (a, b) => a[key] <= b[key] ? a : b
return collection.reduce(select, {})
maxBy(collection, key) {
// slower because need to create a lambda function for each call...
const select = (a, b) => a[key] >= b[key] ? a : b
return collection.reduce(select, {})
min(collection, iteratee) {
let comparitor = makeSelect((a, b) => a <= (iteratee !== undefined ? iteratee(b) : b))
let initial = collection.length > 0 ? collection[0] : undefined
if (iteratee !== undefined) initial = iteratee(initial)
return collection.reduce(comparitor, initial)
max(collection, iteratee) {
let comparitor = makeSelect((a, b) => a >= (iteratee !== undefined ? iteratee(b) : b))
let initial = collection.length > 0 ? collection[0] : undefined
if (iteratee !== undefined) initial = iteratee(initial)
return collection.reduce(comparitor, initial)
pluck: pluck,
sortby(obj, iteratee, context) {
//sourced and modified directly from underscore
var index = 0;
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
return pluck(, key, list) {
return {
value: value,
index: index++,
criteria: iteratee(value, key, list)
}).sort(function(left, right) {
var a = left.criteria;
var b = right.criteria;
if (a !== b) {
if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
return left.index - right.index;
}), 'value');
any(list, valueOrPredicate) {
return first(list, valueOrPredicate) !== undefined
all: all

const test = () => {
let fails = []

if (_.min([1,2,3,4]) != 1) fails.push('min')
if (_.max([1,2,3,4]) != 4) fails.push('max')
let tosort = [{value:2}, {value:1}, {value:3}, {value:4}, {value:-1}]
if (_.sortby(tosort, 'value')[0].value != -1) fails.push('sortby:string prop')
if (_.sortby(tosort, v => v.value)[0].value != -1) fails.push('sortby:function')
if (!_.any([1,2,3,4,5,6,'bloop'], v => v == 'bloop')) fails.push('any:predicate')
if (!_.any([1,2,3,4,5,6,'bloop'], 'bloop')) fails.push('any:value')
if (_.pluck([{a: 'youch', b: 'b'}, {a: 'stop that', b: 'b'}, {a: 'quit it', b: 'b'}], 'a').join(' ') != 'youch stop that quit it') fails.push('pluck')
if (!isMatch(_.minBy(tosort, 'value'), {value:-1})) fails.push('minBy')
if (!isMatch(_.maxBy(tosort, 'value'), {value:4})) fails.push('maxBy')
if (!isMatch(_.keys({a:'a', b:'b', c:'c'}), ['a', 'b', 'c'])) fails.push('keys')
if (!isMatch(_.flatten(_.pairs({a:'a', b:'b', c:'c'})), ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c'])) fails.push('pairs')
if (!isMatch(_.uniq([1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5]), [1,2,3,4,5])) fails.push('uniq')
if (_.sum([1,2,3,4]) != 10) fails.push('sum')
if (!isMatch(_.flatten([1,[2,3,4],5]), [1,2,3,4,5])) fails.push('flatten')
if (!_.all([1,2,3,4,5,6], v => v > 0)) fails.push('all:predicate')
if (!_.all([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 0)) fails.push('all:value')
if (_.all([1,0,0,0,0,0,0],0)) fails.push('all:value:negative')
if (_.all([0,1,2,3,4,5,6], v => v > 0)) fails.push('all:predicate:negative')

return fails

export { _ }

View best answer in original post

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0 Votes

I had included underscore.js, and that did not jive with the fitbit os compiler.


Anyways, I created a custom light version with just the functions I needed, and that seems to be agreeable.


For those that are curious, the underscore replacement took the shape of lfn.js:

A light native alternative to underscore, as the fitbit compiler was not able to handle the callstack size :(
Many of the solutions are pulled from
Alternatively I may pull directly from lodash or underscore
const makeSelect = (comparator) => (a, b) => comparator(a, b) ? a : b
const pluck = (list, name) => => x[name])

const first = (list, valueOrPredicate) => {
let i = 0

if (typeof valueOrPredicate !== 'function') {
let val = valueOrPredicate
valueOrPredicate = (newVal) => newVal === val
while (i < list.length && !valueOrPredicate(list[i])) i++
return i < list.length ? list[i] : undefined

const all = (list, valueOrPredicate) => {
let i = 0
if (typeof valueOrPredicate !== 'function') {
let val = valueOrPredicate
valueOrPredicate = (newVal) => newVal === val
while (i < list.length && valueOrPredicate(list[i])) i++
return i == list.length

//from underscore.js
// Returns whether an object has a given set of `key:value` pairs.
const isMatch = function(object, attrs) {
let keys = Object.keys(attrs), length = keys.length;
if (object == null) return !length;
let obj = Object(object);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
if (attrs[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false;
return true;

//from underscore.js
// accepts an array to retrieve the properties in an object recursively
const deepGet = function(obj, path) {
const length = path.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (obj == null) return void 0;
obj = obj[path[i]];
return length ? obj : void 0;

//from underscore.js
// A helper function to wrap callbacks appropriately, and safeguard against empty callbacks etc
const cb = function(value, context, argCount) {
if (value == null || value == undefined) return (v) => v;
if (typeof value === 'function') return value.bind(context)
if (typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value)) return v => isMatch(v, value);
//at this point we're only left with a string or a number, so we'll retrieve either an index or a property
return Array.isArray(value) ? v => deepGet(v, value) : v => v[value];

const _ = {
uniq(list) { return [ Set(list)] },
pairs(object) { return Object.entries(object) },
first: first,
keys: Object.keys,
sum(list) { return list.reduce(function(memo, num){ return memo + num; }, 0) },
flatten(list) { return list.reduce( (a, b) => a.concat(b), []) },
minBy(collection, key) {
// slower because need to create a lambda function for each call...
const select = (a, b) => a[key] <= b[key] ? a : b
return collection.reduce(select, {})
maxBy(collection, key) {
// slower because need to create a lambda function for each call...
const select = (a, b) => a[key] >= b[key] ? a : b
return collection.reduce(select, {})
min(collection, iteratee) {
let comparitor = makeSelect((a, b) => a <= (iteratee !== undefined ? iteratee(b) : b))
let initial = collection.length > 0 ? collection[0] : undefined
if (iteratee !== undefined) initial = iteratee(initial)
return collection.reduce(comparitor, initial)
max(collection, iteratee) {
let comparitor = makeSelect((a, b) => a >= (iteratee !== undefined ? iteratee(b) : b))
let initial = collection.length > 0 ? collection[0] : undefined
if (iteratee !== undefined) initial = iteratee(initial)
return collection.reduce(comparitor, initial)
pluck: pluck,
sortby(obj, iteratee, context) {
//sourced and modified directly from underscore
var index = 0;
iteratee = cb(iteratee, context);
return pluck(, key, list) {
return {
value: value,
index: index++,
criteria: iteratee(value, key, list)
}).sort(function(left, right) {
var a = left.criteria;
var b = right.criteria;
if (a !== b) {
if (a > b || a === void 0) return 1;
if (a < b || b === void 0) return -1;
return left.index - right.index;
}), 'value');
any(list, valueOrPredicate) {
return first(list, valueOrPredicate) !== undefined
all: all

const test = () => {
let fails = []

if (_.min([1,2,3,4]) != 1) fails.push('min')
if (_.max([1,2,3,4]) != 4) fails.push('max')
let tosort = [{value:2}, {value:1}, {value:3}, {value:4}, {value:-1}]
if (_.sortby(tosort, 'value')[0].value != -1) fails.push('sortby:string prop')
if (_.sortby(tosort, v => v.value)[0].value != -1) fails.push('sortby:function')
if (!_.any([1,2,3,4,5,6,'bloop'], v => v == 'bloop')) fails.push('any:predicate')
if (!_.any([1,2,3,4,5,6,'bloop'], 'bloop')) fails.push('any:value')
if (_.pluck([{a: 'youch', b: 'b'}, {a: 'stop that', b: 'b'}, {a: 'quit it', b: 'b'}], 'a').join(' ') != 'youch stop that quit it') fails.push('pluck')
if (!isMatch(_.minBy(tosort, 'value'), {value:-1})) fails.push('minBy')
if (!isMatch(_.maxBy(tosort, 'value'), {value:4})) fails.push('maxBy')
if (!isMatch(_.keys({a:'a', b:'b', c:'c'}), ['a', 'b', 'c'])) fails.push('keys')
if (!isMatch(_.flatten(_.pairs({a:'a', b:'b', c:'c'})), ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c'])) fails.push('pairs')
if (!isMatch(_.uniq([1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5]), [1,2,3,4,5])) fails.push('uniq')
if (_.sum([1,2,3,4]) != 10) fails.push('sum')
if (!isMatch(_.flatten([1,[2,3,4],5]), [1,2,3,4,5])) fails.push('flatten')
if (!_.all([1,2,3,4,5,6], v => v > 0)) fails.push('all:predicate')
if (!_.all([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], 0)) fails.push('all:value')
if (_.all([1,0,0,0,0,0,0],0)) fails.push('all:value:negative')
if (_.all([0,1,2,3,4,5,6], v => v > 0)) fails.push('all:predicate:negative')

return fails

export { _ }
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