11-25-2024 22:00
11-25-2024 22:00
I recently published an NPM package that wraps the File Transfer API. It consists of two source files and some basic metadata. The app/watch file is ~200 lines and the companion file is ~100 lines. When I install it using npm i fitbit-delivert I get an error:
App: Unhandled exception: Error: failed to pre-parse snapshot ((null):1:1)
However, when I download the files and use them locally without NPM there are no pre-parse snapshot errors. The files are identical whether installed by NPM or otherwise and are in use in one of my applications already. I would like to be able to use NPM as a means of distributing this but I'm not sure how best to proceed.
The only resource I've found about this specific error is here. But I don't think it explains this from an NPM standpoint. Any suggestions or knowledgeable comments about this would be greatly appreciated!