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New "Swipe Back" feature?

I am trying to decide if i should bother updating an app to work on the new Versa3 and Sense watches which require SDK5. I understand that due to the incompatibility of the new SDK5 on Ionic, Versa, Versa2 and Versa Lite, means maintaining a separate code base or figuring out the best way to share as much of it as possible.


After initial investigation into this using the demo project

in the Simulator set to the Sense device, I have found that the "Swipe Back" feature is hard to activate, it seems you need to start the swipe from very close to the left edge otherwise it doesn't work. This makes using the simulator frustrating and there is no way I can justify the purchase of another Fitbit smartwatch just because Fitbit was unable or unwilling to produce an SDK that works across all of its currently available devices.


It seems like a step back in terms of functionality as it is just not at all intuitive, there is no way to swipe forwards so screen space needs to be sacrificed using buttons for navigation. It also looks like there is no alternative due to this statement found in the SDK5 release notes:


"The Panorama View and the associated Pagination Dots components have been removed, as their horizontal navigation method would conflict with the swipe-back gesture. These components should be replaced with a vertical list which can be easily implemented using a scroll-list and tile-list."


The new "Swipe Back" or "backswipe" feature as its called in the demo app is no replacement for the panorama view, a feature should not be removed without an equivalent replacement available, a vertical list is a vertical list, an entirely different thing.


It would appear that Fitbit have taken a step backwards in the SDK development especially as it does not work on the vast majority of Fitbit devices currently out in the wild. Where does this leave all of those devices (which are still for sale) for which developers must now use an outdated SDK and maintain separate codebases? It doesn't make any sense, there is no new groundbreaking functionality for developers in SDK5, not even any improvement to speak of except maybe the new fonts? Supporting the new rounded screen should not require a separate incompatible SDK, the old SDK supported different screen sizes no problem.


Please bring back the panorama view, I think this maybe the final nail in the coffin for many developers who have persevered with the platform. 



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