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Obtaining the Authentication for my first app

Hi Fitbit dev community.  I am attempting to obtain my fitbit data for a personal project.  I am not sharing this application with the broader world.  I am simply using this application for my resume and to learn more about python.  


When I attempt to register an application on Applications (

It asks me to provide an application website URL, Organization, terms of service, and privacy policy.  


If I only want to obtain my own data and I do not care about expanding my project to the masses is there a way for me to request only my own data?  If there is a way to do this I would appreciate the feedback.  Thank you so much!

- Cooper

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All that I want to do right now is to obtain my heartrate data from the fitbit web api but when I try to run an HTTP request it tells me that I need to get the authentication for it to work.  From what I understand I can get this authentication when I register an app but I am not a part of a larger organization and my application is not published to the internet yet so I am unable to produce the required information to register the application. 

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