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On screen buttons not working when installing from CLI

I recently exported my project so that I can use my own IDE. Using the Command Line Interface, i was able to get my app to install, but the on screen buttons would not work. I could still use the physical buttons for the combo buttons. All of the code is exactly the same as what is in Fitbit Studio, and when I install from Fitbit Studio, the on screen buttons do work.


This issue happened many times to me when I was working in Fitbit Studio, so I tried my usual tactics: removing more an more things from the UI until the buttons work, but I got down to deleting everything except the Combo Buttons themselves (so nothing can be on top of them consuming the pointer event) and I still couldn't click on them.


Could it have something to do with the package.json (to which I added the cli dependancy)? Please share any suggestions you have.

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Have you tried to group your buttons in a g element and set a higher layer, like layer="10001" for your g element?

If you can share some code, would be easier to see where the issue is.

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