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Seconds With Continuous Motion

Hi guys,


I am trying to make an analog clock where the second hand continuously moves and does not tick.


Do I need to create an animation for a full 360 degrees and repeat it indefinitely, or is there another way?



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Below is a solution that is working in index.view.


How do I start the rotation angle in Javascript from a different starting point depending on the seconds? For instance, if it is 15 seconds after the hour, I would like the animation to start from 90 degrees and not 0 degrees.


The expected 'secondsRotation.groupTransform.rotate.angle = 90' does not seem to work.




  <g id="secondsRotation" pointer-events="visible" transform="translate(50%,50%)">
    <animateTransform attributeType="rotate" from="0" to="360" begin="enable" dur="60" repeatCount="indefinite" />
      <image x="-50%" y="-50%" href="images/seconds_hand.png"></image>




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