04-01-2019 09:42
04-01-2019 09:42
After several times where I've found my mac with empty battery, and started suspecting I had a battery malfunction, I found out that the Fitbit OS Simulator prevents the mac from going to sleep.
I cannot see any good reason that it needs to. Is there a way to disable this behaviour?
04-01-2019 09:53
04-01-2019 09:53
Hmm, we haven't seen this.
You can run `pmset -g assertions` with the sim running to check what’s preventing sleep.
04-01-2019 10:08
04-01-2019 10:08
I did, and it's definitely the simuator
>pmset -g assertions
pid 72807(app): [0x0008ac5600059e02] 00:20:57 PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep named: "app using SDL_DisableScreenSaver"
>ps x 72807
72807 ?? S 4:44.06 /Applications/Fitbit OS Simulator.app/Contents/Resources/static/devicesim/mac/higgs.app/Contents/MacOS/app
Are you saying that it should't behave this way?