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Strange bug in async support

First, apologies for the lack of indenting -- pasting text into this viewer apparently loses leading spaces on each line and blank lines.


I have three procedures that use async in a .ts file (though the results are similar for the .js files since they seem to use the same transpiler)


If I don't comment on the sync on the third ("light") I get an error that Promise is not defined. Note that the cousin "lighter" does not get an error though it's identical. But If I invoke lighter then it will get the error. but not invoking doesn't make a difference. Removing "sendFile" also makes things work.


Note that I would be able to provide more help if I could compile this in Visual Studio Code but that's another conversation.


import { outbox } from "file-transfer";

declare const fetch: any;

async function sendFile() {
console.log("Sending file...");
try {

console.log("Did await");
const resp = await fetch("");
const tx1 = await resp.text()
const txt = tx1.substr(0, 20);
const data = new Uint8Array(txt.length);
for (let ctr = 0; ctr < data.length; ctr++) {
data[ctr] = txt.charCodeAt(ctr);
outbox.enqueue("alphabits.txt", data);
console.log("Did await");

fetch("").then((resp: any) => {
console.log(`Got response from Frankston`);
resp.text().then((txt: string) => {
console.log(`Got txt ${txt.substr(0, 10)}`);
txt = txt.split('\n')[1];
let data = new Uint8Array(txt.length);
for (let counter = 0; counter < data.length; counter++) {
data[counter] = txt.charCodeAt(counter);
outbox.enqueue("alphabits.txt", data);
catch (e) {
console.error(`Fetch error ${e}`);

function cmd(onOff:string) {
return `http://xxx/?status=${onOff}`; // URL Obfuscated

async function lighter(onOff:string) {
try {
const testURL = cmd(onOff);
console.log(`Sending ${testURL}`);
console.log(`Sent ${onOff}`);
if (onOff == "off")
setInterval(() => { light("on"); }, 5 * 1000);
catch (e) {
console.log(`Light error ${e}`)

function light(onOff: string) {
try {
const testURL = cmd(onOff);
console.log(`Sending ${testURL}`);
console.log(`Sent ${onOff}`);
if (onOff == "off")
setInterval(() => { light("on"); }, 5 * 1000);
catch (e) {
console.log(`Light error ${e}`)

setTimeout(sendFile, 2000);

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There's an "insert code" button in the editor here.


import { outbox } from "file-transfer";

declare const fetch: any;

async function sendFile() {
    console.log("Sending file...");
    try {

        console.log("Did await");
        const resp = await fetch("");
        const tx1 = await resp.text()
        const txt = tx1.substr(0, 20);
        const data = new Uint8Array(txt.length);
        for (let ctr = 0; ctr < data.length; ctr++) {
            data[ctr] = txt.charCodeAt(ctr);
        outbox.enqueue("alphabits.txt", data);
        console.log("Did await");

        fetch("").then((resp: any) => {
            console.log(`Got response from Frankston`);
            resp.text().then((txt: string) => {
                console.log(`Got txt ${txt.substr(0, 10)}`);
                txt = txt.split('\n')[1];
                let data = new Uint8Array(txt.length);
                for (let counter = 0; counter < data.length; counter++) {
                    data[counter] = txt.charCodeAt(counter);
                outbox.enqueue("alphabits.txt", data);
    } catch (e) {
        console.error(`Fetch error ${e}`);

function cmd(onOff: string) {
    return `http://xxx/?status=${onOff}`; // URL Obfuscated

async function lighter(onOff: string) {
    try {
        const testURL = cmd(onOff);
        console.log(`Sending ${testURL}`);
        console.log(`Sent ${onOff}`);
        if (onOff == "off")
            setInterval(() => {
            }, 5 * 1000);
    } catch (e) {
        console.log(`Light error ${e}`)

function light(onOff: string) {
    try {
        const testURL = cmd(onOff);
        console.log(`Sending ${testURL}`);
        console.log(`Sent ${onOff}`);
        if (onOff == "off")
            setInterval(() => {
            }, 5 * 1000);
    } catch (e) {
        console.log(`Light error ${e}`)

setTimeout(sendFile, 2000);

Typescript isn't officially supported yet, but you could try declaring promise to prevent the compiler complaining:

declare const promise: any;

Your end points need to be https for fetch().


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OK </> -- not obvious it's insert code ..


I did try declaring Promise (upper case P) but that didn't do the trick.


I then converted it to .js and still get: Cannot find global value 'Promise' which is what made me assume that you use TS behind the scenes even for JS.


import { outbox } from "file-transfer";
import { encode, decode } from "cbor";
import { peerSockect } from "messaging";
import * as messaging from "messaging";

function sendData(txt, info) {
    try {
        const data = encode(txt);
        const fileName = `${info ? "msg" : "alphabits"}.txt`
        if (txt.length < (messaging.peerSocket.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE - 32)) {  // 32 for object overhead
            if (messaging.peerSocket.readyState == messaging.peerSocket.OPEN) {
                messaging.peerSocket.send({ msg: txt, info: info });
                console.error(`Messaging state ${messaging.peerSocket.readyState} OPEN is ${messaging.peerSocket.OPEN}`);
        outbox.enqueue(fileName, data);
    catch (e) {
        console.error(`sendData ${e}`)
    return txt;

async function sendFile() {
    console.log("Sending file...");
    try {
        const resp = await fetch("");
        const txt = await resp.text()
        sendData(txt.substr(0, 20));
    catch (e) {
        console.error(sendData(`Fetch error ${e}`, true));

function cmd(onOff) { return `http://zyx/cmd?Action=action&devID=OfficeMidFront&dn=fitbite&status=${onOff}`; }

let status = "on";  // What to restore to

async function light(onOff) {
    try {
        console.log(sendData(`Light ${onOff}`, true));
        const testURL = cmd(onOff);
        const rp = fetch(testURL);
        rp.then((resp) => resp.json().then((js) => {
            console.log(`Response ${JSON.stringify(js)}`);
            if (js.Status) status = js.Status;
        if (onOff == "off")
            setTimeout(() => { light(status); }, 3 * 1000);
    catch (e) {
        console.log(sendData(`*Light error ${e}`, true));

messaging.peerSocket.onopen = () => {
   console.log(`PS onOpen, MAX ${messaging.peerSocket.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE}`);
   messaging.peerSocket.semd({msg: "hello"});
   setTimeout(sendFile, 2000);

messaging.peerSocket.onmessage = (evt) => {
    console.log(`PS message ${JSON.stringify(}`);


 (Paste code UX is strange)


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Responding again -- previous response was rejected as spam? OK, </> is insert code. 


I did the declare (uppercase P in Promise) but no go. So I converted to .js and still got the same error message about missing Promise declaration leading me to assume ts is operating in the background anyway.


import { outbox } from "file-transfer";
import { encode, decode } from "cbor";
import { peerSockect } from "messaging";
import * as messaging from "messaging";

function sendData(txt, info) {
    try {
        const data = encode(txt);
        const fileName = `${info ? "msg" : "alphabits"}.txt`
        if (txt.length < (messaging.peerSocket.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE - 32)) {  // 32 for object overhead
            if (messaging.peerSocket.readyState == messaging.peerSocket.OPEN) {
                messaging.peerSocket.send({ msg: txt, info: info });
                console.error(`Messaging state ${messaging.peerSocket.readyState} OPEN is ${messaging.peerSocket.OPEN}`);
        outbox.enqueue(fileName, data);
    catch (e) {
        console.error(`sendData ${e}`)
    return txt;

async function sendFile() {
    console.log("Sending file...");
    try {
        const resp = await fetch("");
        const txt = await resp.text()
        sendData(txt.substr(0, 20));
    catch (e) {
        console.error(sendData(`Fetch error ${e}`, true));

function cmd(onOff) { return `http://zyx/?status=${onOff}`; }

let status = "on";  // What to restore to

async function light(onOff) {
    try {
        console.log(sendData(`Light ${onOff}`, true));
        const testURL = cmd(onOff);
        const rp = fetch(testURL);
        rp.then((resp) => resp.json().then((js) => {
            console.log(`Response ${JSON.stringify(js)}`);
            if (js.Status) status = js.Status;
        if (onOff == "off")
            setTimeout(() => { light(status); }, 3 * 1000);
    catch (e) {
        console.log(sendData(`*Light error ${e}`, true));

messaging.peerSocket.onopen = () => {
   console.log(`PS onOpen, MAX ${messaging.peerSocket.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE}`);
   messaging.peerSocket.semd({msg: "hello"});
   setTimeout(sendFile, 2000);

messaging.peerSocket.onmessage = (evt) => {
    console.log(`PS message ${JSON.stringify(}`);

//setTimeout(sendFile, 2000);
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is "semd" just a typo here?

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