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Studio Line Numbers

I suspect Studio reports code line numbers against a transpiled file (.ts?) rather than against the user's source code. This makes debugging more difficult. Would it be possible to investigate and correct this?


If source code line numbers can't be reported, it would be useful to see the transpiled code line that is causing the problem (eg, as part of the error message). This would provide a strong clue about where to look.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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If you download the package you can open the compressed file and you will see "index.js" in the app folder, that is the compiled file and the error line numbers refer to that file.


A bit of a pain to keep doing it, but it can help.

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Outstanding! Silly me never thought to look there. That will help a lot. Many thanks.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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You used to be able to select the error link and it would take you to the correct line.  It is quite annoying that the studio no longer equates to the error.


The line code of the downloaded file still does not match (it gives an error for a variable that is not referenced on that line).  Any other ideas?

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Yes sir.


They did not address or fix it there, either.

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