07-16-2018 03:29
07-16-2018 03:29
We have recently updated our App Gallery Guidelines for developers. Please ensure you read and understand the updated guidelines in order to ensure your new and updated apps pass our review process.
Here’s a condensed summary of the key changes which primarily relate to ‘Paid, Donation and Subscription based content’.
When submitting new or currently private apps for review you will be required to mark them as free or paid. We will be reviewing existing published apps and marking them as paid in the gallery app manager, if appropriate.
Please note that we won’t be enforcing the on device splash screen until August 1st 2018, but other rules will apply effective immediately.
07-16-2018 03:32
07-16-2018 03:32
Here's the code used to create the sample.
<!-- widgets.gui --> <svg> <defs> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" /> <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets_common.gui" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/dynamic_textarea.css" /> <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/dynamic_textarea.gui" /> <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/square_button_widget.gui" /> <link rel="import" href="/mnt/sysassets/widgets/mixed_text_widget.gui" /> </defs> </svg>
<!-- index.gui -->
<svg id="my-popup" display="inline">
<!-- Black background -->
<rect class="full-size" fill="fb-black" />
<!-- Title and text -->
<use href="#mixed-text-center-mid" class="dialog-mixed-text" fill="fb-white">
<set href="#top-padding" attributeName="display" to="none" />
<set href="#header/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Paid App" />
<set href="#header/text" attributeName="fill" to="fb-magenta"/>
<set href="#copy/text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Free trial for 72 hours, then pay $1.99 to unlock forever" />
<set href="#bottom-padding" attributeName="display" to="none" />
<!-- Right button -->
<use id="btnRight" class="" href="#square-button-negative" y="75%">
<set href="#text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Dismiss" />
<set href="#text" attributeName="text-anchor" to="middle" />
07-16-2018 08:34
07-16-2018 08:34
This doesn't work for me. Is there anything in other folders?
07-16-2018 13:57
07-16-2018 13:57
@SunsetRunner wrote:
This doesn't work for me. Is there anything in other folders?
You still need the other project files, app/index.js, resources/styles.css, but there aren't any styles in the css.
07-16-2018 18:28
07-16-2018 18:28
@JonFitbit I fully support the proposal to make more clear to the user if it's free or shareware.
One comment although:
If it's not possible to put a link in the app settings or in the description where a developer would need to put the link for payment?
Also, for a more long term and definitely better solution is Fitbit going to implement a native system to reward developers? This should be considered high priority to attract more developers and provide quality apps.
07-17-2018 10:03
07-17-2018 10:03
Are paypal links in the settings for donations now forbidden? My apps are free to use, I just have a paypal.me link in my settings, it seemed like the lowest friction/least intrusive way to get a little reward for my work.
07-18-2018 05:46
07-18-2018 05:46
@JonFitbit I think some more explanation are needed.
We understand that Fitbit wants to make it very clear if a clockface/app is free or to be paid. However I also understand that Fitbit has no payment system in place ("...payment, which is solely managed by the developer.) that means that solution like kiezelpay shall be adopted").
However it is unclear where the developer can put the link for payment as both app description and setting page are forbidden ("An apps settings page, or description page must not be used to link to a website used to collect payment information.")
And finally I think that the donation links as implemented by some developers (and mentioned by @Cmspooner) are accepted. Can you confirm?
Thanks a lot!
07-18-2018 07:39
07-18-2018 07:39
However it is unclear where the developer can put the link for payment as both app description and setting page are forbidden ("An apps settings page, or description page must not be used to link to a website used to collect payment information.")
You can't have a payment link in description or settings, the Fitbit mobile app is not an appstore. Kiezel handle their unlocking/payments outside of the Fitbit mobile app, as do other subscription services.
And finally I think that the donation links as implemented by some developers (and mentioned by @Cmspooner) are accepted. Can you confirm?
A donation link should be ok, it's optional for users to pay.
07-25-2018 07:23
07-25-2018 07:23
@JonFitbit - Just a final clarification for donations because it is optional.
Links to donation pages are only allowed within the settings page of the app/watch face or are they also allowed in the gallery description?
10-14-2018 15:56
10-14-2018 15:56
What about a freemium app (that you can use for free, but have to pay for advanced features)?
- Should they show a splash screen? If yes, what should it say?
- Should they be marked 'free' or 'paid'? Are you willing to consider an additional category, eg.: 'free with paid functionality' or 'contains in app purchases'?
10-14-2018 22:47
10-14-2018 22:47
@Giampi71 wrote:If it's not possible to put a link in the app settings or in the description where a developer would need to put the link for payment?
The way KiezelPay does it is they display a short URL on the watch (https://k-pay.io/code) that the user needs to type out into a computer to initiate the payment.
This is because the terms and conditions for listing phone apps on the Google Play Store is that (1) apps cannot accept payment and (2) apps cannot link to or direct people to websites that accept payment. All payments must be done using the in-app purchase system of the Google Play Store so that Google gets a 30% cut. The way around these terms and conditions is to display instructions on the watch itself.