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VT List not displaying

This code segment works on the simulator but causes trackers to go back to the home screen (ends immediately).  If I comment this section out, everything else works.  Thoughts? 


  //Scroll Display
  VTList.delegate = {
    getTileInfo: function(index) {   
      return {
        type: "my-pool", 
        value: minSec(actLapTime[index]),
        index: index 
    configureTile: function(tile, info) {
      if (info.type == "my-pool") {
        tile.getElementById("text").text = `${info.index + 1}  ${info.value}`;
        console.log(`config loop ${info.index + 1}  ${info.value}`);
  // VTList.length must be set AFTER VTList.delegate
  VTList.length = NUM_ELEMS; 


The console.log displays the info correctly.  Once again...It works on the simulator but not on anyones actual devices.


Here is the matching part of the index.gui...

      <symbol id="my-tile-item" href="#tile-list-item" focusable="false" 
              pointer-events="none" system-events="all" display="none">
        <text id="text" />
        <rect id="tile-divider-bottom" class="tile-divider-bottom" />
    <use id="my-list" href="#tile-list" opacity = "0.3">
      <var id="virtual" value="1" />
      <var id="reorder-enabled" value="0" />
      <var id="peek-enabled" value="0" />
      <var id="separator-height-bottom" value="2" />
      <use id="my-pool" href="#tile-list-pool">
        <use id="my-pool[0]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[1]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[2]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[3]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[4]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[5]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[6]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[7]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[8]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />
        <use id="my-pool[9]" href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item" />


I have posted this question before and have gotten zero responses with help.


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