04-14-2019 00:59
04-14-2019 00:59
I'm new developing app. This week I tried to make my first app and it was so easy!
This app consists of showing an image get it from a static URL. So I made a fetch... easy to do. But now, I have the picture in the fitbit and I want to make zoom/move over the image... The movement to de left, right, up, down works fine, but the problem is with the Zoom in. When I enlarge the picture, appears a margin for the right and the image is cut.
I tried to make the zoom function in two ways:
let img = document.getElementById("myImage");
width = width + 30;
height = height + 30;
img.width = width;
img.height = height;
let demo = document.getElementById("lienzo");
scaleX = scaleX + 0.2;
scaleY = scaleY + 0.2;
demo.groupTransform.scale.x = scaleX;
demo.groupTransform.scale.y = scaleY;
<g id="lienzo" pointer-events="visible">
<image id="myImage" width="400" height="300"/>
But with two cases the image is cut for the right... But only in the watch! If I test the APP in the simulator it works fine!
04-14-2019 01:39
04-14-2019 01:39
This is a known bug. The watch can't handle images larger than the display properly.