05-10-2019 00:46 - edited 05-10-2019 01:08
05-10-2019 00:46 - edited 05-10-2019 01:08
This is my symbol:
<symbol id="circ"> <circle> <animate attributeName="r" begin="enable" from="10" to="80" dur=".6" /> <animate attributeName="cy" begin="enable" from="0" to="-50" dur=".6" /> <animate attributeName="opacity" begin="enable" from=".5" to=".25" dur=".6" /> <animate attributeName="r" begin="enable+.6" to="10" from="80" dur=".4" /> <animate attributeName="cy" begin="enable+.6" to="-125" from="-50" dur=".4" /> <animate attributeName="opacity" begin="enable" from=".25" to=".75" dur=".4" /> </circle>
I can change its fill in SVG by adding the fill attribute directly like this:
<g id="o1" transform="rotate(30)" >
<use href="#circ" class="oval" fill="#ABCDEF"/>
but not trough JS like this:
var o1= document.getElementById("o1");
o1.getElementsByClassName("oval").style.fill = "#ABCDEF";
nor like this:
o2.getElementsByTagName("use").style.fill = "#ABCDEF";
(the svg <use> element does not contain the fill attribute in my JS attempts)
It seems that these are not the proper way of selection because:
Unhandled exception: TypeError: Cannot set property 'fill' of undefined
How can I fix this?
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
05-10-2019 01:51
05-10-2019 01:51
Off the top of my head, I suspect getElementsBy... returns an array, and not just an element. If you're certain there should be only one element, you could stick a [0] in there somewhere. Otherwise, iterate.
05-10-2019 01:51
05-10-2019 01:51
Off the top of my head, I suspect getElementsBy... returns an array, and not just an element. If you're certain there should be only one element, you could stick a [0] in there somewhere. Otherwise, iterate.