06-05-2019 02:45
06-05-2019 02:45
Hi, I'm doing an app with the ionic-views scheme. I wanted to add a tile list on a screen but in this example everything is defined inside the class and uses jQuery. Does anyone know how to include this in the class. Maybe in onMount or onRender. I used the example provided in the fitbit webpage. It's very important cause I need it for a university project. Thank you!!
<svg> <defs> <symbol id="my-tile-item" href="#tile-list-item" focusable="false" pointer-events="none" system-events="all"> <text id="text" /> <rect id="tile-divider-bottom" class="tile-divider-bottom" /> <rect id="touch-me" pointer-events="all" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%-2" opacity="0" /> </symbol> </defs> <use id="my-list" href="#tile-list"> <var id="separator-height-bottom" value="2" /> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <set href="text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Menu item 1" /> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <set href="text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Menu item 2" /> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <set href="text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Menu item 3" /> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <set href="text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Menu item 4" /> </use> <use href="#my-tile-item" class="tile-list-item"> <set href="text" attributeName="text-buffer" to="Menu item 5" /> </use> </use> </svg>
import document from "document"; let list = document.getElementById("my-list"); let items = list.getElementsByClassName("tile-list-item"); items.forEach((element, index) => { let touch = element.getElementById("touch-me"); touch.onclick = (evt) => { console.log(`touched: ${index}`); } });
06-06-2019 15:11
06-06-2019 15:11
It should be possible.
You'll need the imports in your resources/widgets.gui, as mentioned in the tile list guide.
You can put the gui code you pasted into the gui file of your "view".
Then you can perform your javascript in the /app code for your "view".
Take a look at Alpine Snow as an example. it doesn't use tile-list specifically, but the combo button usage in the "exercise" view should give you a good idea. https://github.com/orviwan/alpine-snow/