08-27-2019 04:46
08-27-2019 04:46
I tried to make a fall detection app using fitbit studio.
And I made fall algorithm using accel and gyro sensors data.
After that, I made result (type of data : Boolean)
And I have to send this data(Boolean) to 3rd party app.
I treid to send data using web API and companion API.
I heard that I can send data to my app using web API and companion API.
At this stage, I have a question.
After I send this data, where can I find this data?
I want to send my data(Boolean) to my web.
Then after I executed my coommands (send(data)) ,
How can i receive my data as a receiver(web)?
How can I make a path to my app?
What does companion means?
Can I send data to 3rd party app or web abb?