09-06-2019 05:40
09-06-2019 05:40
I wrote an app for my Ionic a few moths ago that showed the weather and the time on the clock face. I am using APIXU to get the data. The app worked 100% until about a month ago, then the name of the location suddenly disappeared. (eg. the clock face showed the weather and location name - such as Christchurch) Now that filed is blank. I can get the timezone name of the whole country - but not the specific location. (Eg Auckland in place of Christchurch)
Has something been changed - I think this may be more than just APIXU ?
var weather = {
temperature: data["current"]["temp_c"],
humidity: data["current"]["humidity"],
Apressure: data["current"]["pressure_mb"],
Gpressure: data["current"]["pressure_mb"],
Spressure: data["current"]["pressure_mb"],
MaxTemp: data["current"]["last_updated"],
MinTemp: data["current"]["temp_c"],
MaxExpect: data["current"]["temp_c"],
WindSpeed: data["current"]["wind_kph"],
WindDeg: data["current"]["wind_degree"],
rainfall: data["current"]["precip_mm"],
SunRise: data["current"]["cloud"],
SunSet: data["current"]["uv"],
location: data["location"]["name"], <<--------------- Here is the problem
LocID: data["location"]["region"]