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A FitBit'ters Horrible Sleep


I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering through the nights.


Heres my sleep for the 5 days since I got a FitBit, and again, as others have said, my partner is always saying I sleeptalk/move/just generally fidget, I often wake up with the duvet tied up around my legs or the sheet having come off the bed on my side, its always infuriated me, but I've never realised until now just how much of an impact it must be having.


A quick backstory before I give you the horrifying figures, so I'm a Duty Manager in a busy Food Retail Store, if I get to have a break on my 8-10 hour shift I consider it a good day, customers are constantly in and out, items constantly running out, so I'm running backwards and forwards all day (so far a typical day at work is anywhere between 14,000 steps and 22,000 steps based over 4 days) I'm also trying (unsuccessfully so far, hence the FitBit) to improve my general health as I'd like to join the Army Reserves, and hopefully even join the Regulars down the line and do a few tours.


On to the figures, so I thought this was perfectly normal to start with, until the misses got one, and her result came back at something around 7hr04mins out of 7hrs30mins give or take.




So I always aim for 8 hours, sometimes things (usually work) prevents that, but as you can see, I'm not quite getting 8 hours, one of the nights I did swap FitBits with my partner to see if my results changed, they and as you can see they didn't, so its not a faulty FitBit or anything, its a faulty me Smiley Sad


Has anyone had any success in coming from this, to a decent amount of sleep? I'm tired of waking up in the morning feeling like I want to go to bed, people always remark on how tired I look, and as a Manager in Retail, I feel it sets a rather poor professional appearance because I also genuinely struggle to get out of bed in the mornings, leading to a somewhat hastily put on uniform.


Any and all advice is muchly appreciated!!  I am also going to start scrolling through some of the previous messages for other advice too 😃

Thanks for your time in reading this 

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@Labinopper thanks so much for coming to the Community and posting your question - we are glad to see you here! 


When Fitbit users have sleep logs that look very similar to yours, we usually suggest that they go into their device settings to make sure their settings are on "Normal" not "Sensitive." Almost all of our users fall into the "Normal" category. Here's how to ensure that you have the Normal setting:


Go to, login, and click the gear icon in the upper right hand of the page. Click on your tracker. When on the Settings page, click on the tracker you wear to sleep.

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 3.05.23 PM.png


Scroll down to the section called "Sleep Tracking" and if it's set to Sensitive, change it to Normal. Make sure to sync so that your tracker remembers this new setting!

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 3.05.45 PM.png


Let me know if you have any questions, if it helps, or if it doesn't! 


& thanks to @USAF-Larry for the wonderful article!

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Definitely not a good sleep pattern. I can see why you'd be tired all of the time.  A good place to start might be to check out Mayo Clinic's article on "7 Steps to Better Sleep" to see if you can improve your sleep habits.


Check out the article here: 7 Steps to Better Sleep


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@Labinopper thanks so much for coming to the Community and posting your question - we are glad to see you here! 


When Fitbit users have sleep logs that look very similar to yours, we usually suggest that they go into their device settings to make sure their settings are on "Normal" not "Sensitive." Almost all of our users fall into the "Normal" category. Here's how to ensure that you have the Normal setting:


Go to, login, and click the gear icon in the upper right hand of the page. Click on your tracker. When on the Settings page, click on the tracker you wear to sleep.

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 3.05.23 PM.png


Scroll down to the section called "Sleep Tracking" and if it's set to Sensitive, change it to Normal. Make sure to sync so that your tracker remembers this new setting!

Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 3.05.45 PM.png


Let me know if you have any questions, if it helps, or if it doesn't! 


& thanks to @USAF-Larry for the wonderful article!

Best Answer

Hey there. I'm not very active on the discussions here, but I thought I would share my story with you, as it was soooo similiar. Like you my sleep pattern was scary. I didn't even know I had a sleep problem until I got a fitbit, although I never quite understood why I was always so tired. After talking to my husband about my fitbit results, he told me that I was a snoring machine! Yikes! In my specific case, it looked like the snoring, was causing a lack of oxygen and was waking me up multiple times a night. I finally went to my doctor who recommended a sleep study. Turns out, I have sleep apnea. I've always been in great shape and health with healthy habits throughout the day (not much caffiene, not much sugar, small meals, etc etc., so for me to have sleep apnea was a huge eye opener. After much hesitation, I opted to purchase a CPAP machine. Hesitation because they are bulky and just plain ugly. But now that I use the CPAP every night, I sleep like a baby! My sleep pattern on my fitbit looks so much different than it did before. Most of my friends have also had results like these, but no sleep apnea, so I think its case by case.  Most people's results are just fine. But for me, if it wasn't for my fitbit, I wouldn't have known about sleep apnea and its dangers. So glad I got one! Good luck!

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