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About Sleep Cycles Accuracy

My fitbit seems to think I get little to no REM or Deep Sleep. Is this happening to anyone else? I have a sleep disorder, but it involves sleeping too much and doesn't result in non REM or Deep Sleep. I just have trouble trusting my results and was wondering whether anyone else had the same feelings. 



Moderator edit: subject for clarity

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My rem sleep is alarmingly low also. Last Night I went to bed at 10:51 And woke up at 6:43. Fitbit recorded 6.51 hrs sleep. I had only 12 min rem. 59 min deep and 5.4 hrs light with 1.1 hr awake time. 

This happens more than occasionally. Could it be a problem with fit bit?  How to tell. Unless we buy a new sleep monitor. 

Any feedback would be appreciated. 

Thank you

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I've always assumed but it's a problem with Fitbit but over the years it seems to have got much more accurate in other respects so now I'm not so sure.
I just decided not to worry about it since there's nothing I can do about it. Worrying just means I don't sleep properly!
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I had terrible insomnia years ago. Got the Fitbit and started tracking everything soon after. I worried about REM, too much or not enough of this and that...  

About three years ago, I took the Fitbit off and stopped worrying about it. Best thing Ive ever done for my sleep. 
Also recommended: cut your social media time in half, avoid political discussions online, exercise when you can, eat healthy foods. It all helps so much.  

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Ruth, Totally! It’s a vicious cycle. 

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I agree to not worry as that defeats the purpose. But if REMs are so low as to indicate a possible future problem the whole point would be to follow up on it somehow so as to avoid possible future medical issues. Nip it in the bud so to speak. Am I making sense? I was just wondering how accurate fit bit is. 100% or 60%? If these numbers are very accurate it may be warranted to do a sleep test.

At any rate we can help it by limiting alcohol use, going to bed earlier and meditating more. And not eating 2 hrs before. Think I covered it. Just my 2 cents...

Sent from my iPhone
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Hi everyone! Happy to see you posting here in the Sleep Well board! 😊


Thank you so much for sharing your ideas and feedback! I want to recommend visiting a Fitbit blog that could probably help you to resolve some other inquiries about Sleep Cycles like REM etc. 


On a side note, this thread will remain open to see if other users can provide more information about their experiences. 😉


Have a wonderful day! 

Wilson M. | Community Moderator, Fitbit.
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I am having a similar problem.  When I first got Fitbit I was how shocked at how poor my sleep was.  It did explain a lot of the symptoms I was having.  23 mins of deep sleep and 40 mins of REM was average for me.  I have been working on in and since improved.  Even on my best nights though I only seem to get about 3 hours of both combined, if that.  On average lately, I am getting about an hour of deep sleep and a little more REM, never more than 90 minutes of each.  My percentage of deep sleep today was 14% and REM 15%.  I have been reading to make improvements.  I read that the sleep cycle feature and other trackers are not accurate.  I hope that is the problem.  I’ve become obsessed. 

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I am getting 6%to 9% tem sleep on fitbit since January.  Prior to that I was in the normal  range. This seems to have occurred  after  fitbit  changed  the app and updated  it. Do I have a problem  or does fitbit??

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I am getting 6%to 9% rem sleep on fitbit since January.  Prior to that I was in the normal  range. This seems to have occurred  after  fitbit  changed  the app and updated  it. Do I have a problem  or does fitbit??

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I have the same issue, and it started in Jan 2025. I think it's a Fitbit problem, but I don't have a theory as to why.

Why I think it's a Fitbit issue: My average REM in 2022 was 86 min, in 2023 and 2024 it dropped 13 points, to 73 min. Suddenly, for 2025 (two months in) it dropped steeply, by 17 more points, to 56 min. Last night I got "17 min" of REM and was Awake for 104 min. During this supposedly REM-deprived sleep, I had vivid dreams and no memory of waking up, and feel rested today. So I think FitBit is wrong. And this keeps happening, night after night; I feel fine, Fitbit indicates I have severe insomnia. Maybe I'm moving a lot in my sleep or not wearing it right. Maybe? But why is this JUST NOW becoming a trend?? I haven't changed my behavior or how I wear my watch, so I have no idea. But what did happen: I got a new watch (Inspire 3) for Christmas. Lo and behold, all the disconnect between data and anecdote has been since then...I think it's FitBit. And yes, I've tried Normal and Sensitive settings, but I get similar results either way. I've also tried switching hands, and it yields no difference.

Funny side note: I started CPAP in May of 2023, yet my REM has been lower since then than when I had untreated sleep apnea. Like most people who begin treating sleep apnea, I now sleep better. Fitbit would say otherwise LOL. I think this might be related to the regulation of breathing imposed by CPAP, which can mess with your HRV readings. 

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