03-27-2019 06:28
03-27-2019 06:28
Hello, as stated in the subject I recently bought the Versa mostly for the sleep tracking capabilities using a combination of HRV/motion sensing. I was very excited to use it to see ways I can optimize my REM sleep, however upon the first night of use, I had the absolute worst night of sleep I have had in a long time.After almost 2hrs of trying to get to sleep, I ended up having to take the Versa completely off to get into any sort of deep sleep. In fact, I doubt I had any sort of REM sleep because I woke up so many times throughout the night. The Versa did accurately track those 2hrs of restlessness. Does anyone else have this issue or advice to resolve it? I am a petite person and have a very small wrist (I keep the device in the 4th notch from the watch face) if that provides any insight and I tried to adjust the Versa band where it can still track, but still wasn't too tight. If I find that this device just isn't compatible for my sleep, I will likely return it for something less intrusive like an Oura ring.