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Covid 19 vaccine - estimated oxygen variation

Hey all! 
I have recently received my second covid 19 vaccine. I’m not having many side effects just groggy, tired, and have a sore arm. But when I sleep whoooaa. I  have added two different nights SPO2 graphs. One from the night before the vaccine and one the night after. The vaccine is so new there is not much about it out there. They say it does not affect your breathing but as you can tell it does!! Just stating a thread to see if anyone else’s has gotten the vaccine and what your Fitbit is telling you! 





Moderator edit: subject for clarity


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Nobody said the decision didn't belong to each individual; that said, if you are inclined to avoid the vaccine, stay home!  If you go out in public, get the virus and then spread it around, the blame should definitely fall on your shoulders.


As for Niclosamide (a treatment for worm infection), sorry, snake oil, it didn't do diddly squat to help you.

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Hi. I just had to look on the forums/Google this - because I just had my third/booster vaccine (Moderna) and went to bed with slight achiness only...Woke in the morning and later took a look at my HR overnight. Normally every night my HR is in range of 56-66 (with overall resting HR 24 hours around 66/67) these days. But last night while I was sleeping it was in the mid 80's most of the night, going "down" to high 70's toward morning!  I was absolutely shocked. I went back to look at the date of my second vax and I see it was in 70's and 80's that night as well.  This didn't happen after first shot, which was Pfizer. Pretty disturbing, but I guess as long as I don't see any lasting effects...

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You posted twice in different locations, that is not allowed.

Anyway, same answer as in for your identical post:

Yes it is normal and typical.

Your body is active following the jab and start the process to make antibodies and other cells. The immune system responds and this takes energy, that needs to be provided. The heart rate increases to accommodate the needs. Completely normal. You would observe the same if you had a flu or an infection. 

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I was trying to reply to a certain user but wasn’t sure my post was sent. 
And yes, I’d have expected an elevation, even perhaps even of up to 10 bpm, but this seemed extreme- so am curious if others’ heart rate reacted similarly…(In the only study I saw online mentioning this, it suggested hr may go up by .5-1.5 bpm post Covid vaccine)

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The elevation value is a function of lots of parameters, including your overall health, your state that day, the meal you took before going to bed, etc ... 

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I had almost exactly the same experience. My HR curve was a different shape from what it usually is, the day after my booster.

I have noticed HR goes up for a day or two after other immunizations too - shingles or flu.

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Same here.  I spent sleep time in the fat burn zone.  It was very uncomfortable and strange.

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after your posts I did actually look at my sleep data, and you are so right. without historical numbers, and a look at other factors (e.g. air quality, which could have an issue on breathing (it has for me)) it is "dangerous" to come to un-researched and possibly false "conclusions". I can see oxygen spikes in my sleep trackers before people even talked about a vaccine. Research nd a steady flow of data is the key!

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