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Editing Poor Sleep

My partner suffers from random acute onset insomnia. After around 30 min in bed together they might be awake and need any sort of support from me (just being up, massages, leaving to sleep in another room, etc. - usually more than one of these). This results in a very broken sleep for me, and two days into the fitbit, very in accurate sleep metrics. I get that the tracker can only be so 'smart' and I don't expect it to confidently show Awake vs. Light sleep (but really lying in bed talking or otherwise not moving much) but is there a way to edit, or mark a day's sleep as a way of saying 'ignore this outlier'?

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you can change setting

To change your setting in the Fitbit iOS app, go to Account > Advanced Settings > Sleep Sensitivity.

where you can adjust as you needed so try this .


Nexus Iceland

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