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Ho can I get better quality of sleep?

I love the new sleep stages.
I know it's not accurate, but still it confirmes what I already suspected, my quality of sleep is not good.


I am fast asleep, and I am not much awake during the night, but I am restless, and do have very little time in deep sleep.  (Due to pain I guess)
Sleep insights reccomended a better bed og pillow ...


But what can I do to increase time in deep sleep, and reduce restlessness?

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I feel the two are somewhat related. The more restless the sleep, the less deep sleep there tends to be.


Deep sleep usually occurs in the earlier part of the night, so getting nice and exhausted before bedtime can help. On nights with good deep sleep I tend to be tired and fall asleep quickly.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Thank you for your answer. I also believe that restless sleep and lack of deep sleep are related. I always fall asleep within 10-15 minutes after going to bed, so I have no trouble falling asleep. Neighter do I have any problems staying asleep since I very rearly wake up during the night. But the sleep quality is poor, and I never wake up rested. (Sorry about the lay-out in this answer. Shift didn't function)
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I got that insight as well today and I happen to totally disagree with it. Not that they are not related and that a good mattress and pillow will help you sleep better, but I disagree with the fact I am awake that often. I see those tiny blips of being awake of 30 seconds or 1 minute and I think the insight is given based on that for me. But to me they look like measuring noise.


I understand your case is different as you do sleep restless and are not rested when waking up. Did you ever try staying in bed until you fall asleep again on days off? Do you have that luxury to try that every now and then? I find from my experience with anxiety that my sleep quality also heavily depends on how rested I am. When I am overly tired, I typically sleep worse and it can become that bad circle. Tired -> sleeping poorly because of that -> tired etc. When that happens I need a few days of rest, where I do very little, until I am rested again. Might be worth trying before having to spend money.

Karolien | The Netherlands

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Thank you. 🙂

You are right, my sleep are even worse if  I am overly tired.

A typical nigh for me, may look like this:

en typisk natt.jpg

I go to bed at the same time every night, but even if I can sleep longer in the morning i wake up early anyway.  In hours I get enough sleep, but ...

I'll take your advice to relax for a few days to see if that helps.  🙂



The picture was a little blurry, but the details are:

Awake: 34 times, 47 minutes, 9 %  (3 times awake, 31 times restless)
Rem: 1 hour 20  minutes, 16,4 %Light sleep: 5 hours 33 minutes, 65 %

Deep sleep: 58 minutes, 11 %

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Mine today while feeling rested:

Awake: 42 mins, 8% 

Rem: 1 hour 11 minutes, 14%

Light sleep: 5 hours 48 minutes, 67%

Deep sleep: 59 minutes, 11%

(That is way more light sleep for me than typically)


I don't seem to be able to find how often it registered me as awake, but those numbers are very similar. Maybe you need a bit more sleep than you realise, but is your body used to waking up at a certain time and ready to go. You can try to stay in bed for an extra half an hour to see how it responds.

Karolien | The Netherlands

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Thank you again.  🙂

It is interresting that we have almost identical numbers, yet you are rested, and I am not 🙂


It may be pain that makes me feel unrested (spondylitis), and I wake up earlier than I need to because of this pain/stiffness because I have to get up and move to release the pain. 

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Oh yes, pain can have a big impact. I think it will be very challenging to get fully rested while dealing with pain. It is a constant energy drain on the body at many levels.

Karolien | The Netherlands

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