04-26-2021 08:52
04-26-2021 08:52
Hi everyone! 😊
I have a question for you. How can meditation help with sleep?
Mediation could be an easy process or practice that can be done anywhere, anytime. In fact we don't need special equipment but just a few minutes but it's very important to be able to establish a routine.
In my personal experience I've been struggling to establish a routine and I wonder if you have any tips. So far, I've tried the mindfulness practice in the Fitbit App and I've chosen mindfulness goals, set reminders to complete a session too.
Also, I currently follow the steps below:
1. I have removed any distraction from my room, this includes my phone. Then I lie down in a comfortable position.
2. I've been paying attention to my breathing. Inhale for at least 10 counts, then I hold my breath for 10 counts. Exhale for 10 counts and I repeat this for a few times.
3. Other thing that I keep on mind is to Inhale and tense my body. Then pause, relax, and exhale. Repeat a few times.
4. I also pay attention to my breath and body. If a body part feels tight, I try to relax it.
5. Lastly, when a thought comes up, I slowly return my focus to just my breathing.
I believe Mindfulness meditation is a specific technique that tend to work well for sleep.
Thank you everyone! I'm very excited to see more comments and suggestions. 😁
See you around.
04-29-2021 06:13
04-29-2021 06:13
I've always had difficulty getting to sleep. Once I'm asleep I am fine, but it regularly used to take me several hours to get to sleep. I started using mindfulness sessions online as way to relax and turn off my over-active head. I did that for several months a couple of years ago, but then I started getting irritated with the voices of the people doing the meditation and I tried sleep stories for a while and then found I was staying awake so I didn't miss then end of the story! 😅 Then I discovered Fitbits meditations for sleep and there is a couple of them I find really helpful. I don't listen to them now, but I play the ideas over in my head and it seems to help me.
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-29-2021 07:57
04-29-2021 07:57
@NellyG. Thank you for sharing this!
I'm glad to hear that you found some helpful meditations for sleep. If you don't mind, may I ask how long have you been practicing meditations for sleep? I think the hardest part is to be able to create a routine and this is something I'm struggling with. 😅
See you around.
04-29-2021 17:30
04-29-2021 17:30
Hi @WilsonFitbit I'm not entirely sure but I'd say around 4 years, moving through various forms of sleep meditation and I still have the odd night when nothing is going to work and I get up for an hour or so and then try again
Helen | Western Australia
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
04-30-2021 04:24
04-30-2021 04:24
@NellyG Thank you very much for the information!
I really appreciate this. I think I'll have a long way to go and then I'll get used to it. 😁
Have a wonderful day!