12-08-2022 09:22
12-08-2022 09:22
For four nights I had amazingly well rested long sleep (A full 7 to 8 hours.) However, last night I was not tired at all and didn't get tired until it was time to take my pills at 8 am. The only thing I could think of as to why this happened was because I had those four amazing nights that my body was so well rested that I wasn't able to go to sleep. Is that even possible? Also, I made sure that I didn't give in to my sleepiness at 8 am. I want to be able to keep having good sleeps and don't want to mess that up.
12-13-2022 01:09
12-13-2022 01:09
I am not sure to get it : you had 4 good nights where you slept 7-8 hours, and then a completely sleepless night where you did not any sleep at all ?
12-28-2022 19:48
12-28-2022 19:48
Yes and I wasn't even tired. Not one bit. So, I was just wondering if something like that can be possible? Oh and since I had first posted this I have had pretty normal and good sleep since. See I just no my lack of sleep wasn't from sugar or caffeine or even the hot cocoa I enjoy so much. For one I hadn't had hot Cocoa in three days at that time (The weather was fairly decent.) and I cut the sugar stuff way back and I don't have anything with caffeine in it past 6 pm.
12-28-2022 23:28
12-28-2022 23:28
Having a completely sleepless night without stimuli (be it strong caffeine or having lights or noise all night long) is not normal at all. If this is a one off then I guess it can happen but if it start to happen multiple times you should consult a doctor.