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Periodic Limb Movement Disorder ?


Does anyone else suffer from PLMD ? My Fitbit One clearly shows it happening.

Any ideas, tricks remedies to mitigate it to get a better night's sleep ?

Trying Valerian as no contraindications with the drugs I am on ....




P.S. Yes I am on some meds for it, but they are addictive, reduce in efficacy over time and have side effects.

MarkP - Chartered Electronics & Computing Engineer.
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Old post.. hope you see this. I do suffer from PLMS and found it striking how my FitBit HR does record sleep interruptions. With some accuracy I believe. My sleep doctor said I was one of the worst cases he has seen. I am on 1mg of Mirapex every night. If you know about Mirapex or other dopa derived remedies that is a very high dose. He thinks some sleep apnea is inolved. For apnea I measure 1.5 pm a scale of 5, which is too low for medical ins. to cover. I found regular exercise and good eating habits a big factor in getting enough sleep.

Let me know if the Valerian helped at all. I avoid histamine OTC meds. In short time they become counterproductive. They are really fo temporary insomnia if you don't have other issues. Stay well!



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I also have PLMD, and the fitbit is quite good at tracking it. I'm impressed by how well it seems to track it. My movements match up time-wise to the times during the night when I move the most (from about 2:30 AM onward). Each morning, I can pretty accurately guess what the fitbit sleep reading will say, based on how well I think I slept - if I wake up feeling like I had a good restful night (rare), the fitbit confirms it. If I wake up feeling awful, like I was half awake all night, the fitbit also confirms it. Fun! (haha) 

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Hi Dbesh2 How are you doing now? I was diagnosed with PLMD in August. I am taking mirapex too and am sleeping better. Would like to hear if it’s still working for you two years later. 🤞😉

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