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Please show me your sleep pattern (both good and poor sleepers)

I got my Fitbit Surge 6 days ago. I set it to sensitive. The sleep pattern confirmed mine, and my husband's suspicions, that I have very poor sleep. Sleep efficiency 61%, and cycle length (also confirmed with a different mobile app) is only 60 mins not the usual 90 mins. I 'need' about 10-11 hours sleep to feel half-way decent. With 10 hrs sleep I get about 6 hrs. With 8-9 hrs sleep (my usual weekday allowance) I get about 5 hrs. My husband always complains that my restless sleep causes him lost sleep too 😞 (I say to him imagine how I feel!). I am usually fatigued all day and have trouble getting up in the morning and am struggling to maintain work function. I'm glad I got my Fitbit so I have proof of what is happening.


I was tested for sleep apnoea some years ago and had borderline/mild apnoea. I lost 70 lbs (30 kg) and then got retested and the apnoea had disappeared (good because I didn't tolerate the CPAP at all).


I would like to know what a 'normal' sleep pattern looks like and what another poor sleeper looks like so I can show my GP and get referred. Is there a specific kind of sleep study she can request other than for sleep apnoea?


I have added 2 screenshots of my usual sleep pattern, if some of you could add yours with a brief comment on if you sleep well or not, that would help me gather evidence for my GP appointment. TIA.





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My fitbit is set to sensitive, as I know the normal is incorrect. The pictures speak for themselves.undefined





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I've had mine set to Sensitive since the 2nd day of owning a Fitbit (Ultra originally). Even when I sleep alone, I still have a restless nights sleep according to the results.


Last night, I slept on our spare pull out bed as my partner is sick. Its very narrow, not much room to move around before you fall off! I forgot to grab my wrist band from the main bedroom so rather than disturb my partner, I just clipped my fitbit on my boxers instead.


This is the result (still on sensitive):




I was pleasantly surprised - I often wake up feeling like I had a decent sleep, only to be quite astonished when I look at the fitbit graphs, so I found this quite interesting (felt like I had a decent sleep last night too).


Do you all wear the fitbit on your wrists for sleeping ?


I guess I must wave my arms around a hell of a lot during the night, but not move my body around much!

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I know that part of my problem is that I had bilateral knee replacement surgery 11 weeks ago and my legs bother me all night long.  Although this is in sensitive mode, I'd have to say this is fairly accurate.  If anything, it's generous because I am actually awake in a lot of that "restless" time and just laying still trying to go back to sleep.

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I always keep mine at normal sensitivity.  I'm not a good sleeper and typically it shows 80-90% efficiency.  So I switched to sensitive to compare, And going back a week, it says I get about 2 1/2 hours of sleep a night - never once did I even get three hours. I just don't believe that is accurate.  I think the normal setting is probably the better setting.

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This is mine (I'm new to FitBit and have only one recording), but I know it's pretty typical of my nights: hard time going to sleep, awaken multiple times during the night. I have sleep apnea, have a Cpap machine, on an RX sleep medication, and seeing a sleep doctor!


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Is that on normal or sensitive?

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this is my sleep record for the last week.  I have my fitbit wristband set to normal.  I still wake up feeling very tired though so need to find out how to improve on this.

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Just curious. Do any of you sleep in total black out or is there some ambient light?

I found since usng a sleep mask, my sleep is less restless, so that's why I ask.
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Hi,  I got blackout curtains installed last summer. With my old curtains there was a lot of ambient light (I face towards the front of my condo building so all the exterior light comes in). It's much  much darker now but I really haven't noticed a huge sleep improvement. At least not as much as I had expected (I think my expectations were too high!). 

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I also have trouble with sleep something wrong with my sleep pattern
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Guy please help,how to put picture in this forum?
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Hi, just started using the Fitbit Flex - bascially a sleep experiement. I have been diagnosed with hypersomina not quite two years ago. It looks like there are others here with sleep issues, some undiagnosed. Hoping you can help guide me on the use of the sleep reports. Using the sensitive setting. Could it be picking up on my dogs jumping on & off the bed? I normally don't notice it. I do move around alot. Any tips ? 


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I thought I would drop a couple sleep examples here as I feel I am a pretty normal sleeper once I go to bed and I use the fitbit charge HR on sensitive settings so consider this for normall sleep baseline.


this would be a typical weekend night for me:



and this would be a typical weekday night for me *i get up at 4:15AM for work*


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@Andiwijayahalim wrote:
Guy please help,how to put picture in this forum?

When you hit REPLY, there is this bar on top of the box that you get to type in. The " add picture" icon 

 looks like a rectangle with a mountain outline.undefined When you click that, it opens up a box which you then use to tell it where you picture is located, and a few other things.

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Very jealous yes!

@HopeGraceLove wrote:

I'm very fortunate in that I have no difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. There are nights where the entire length of the graph is blue until I wake up. I'm sorry if this makes you envious. 😕




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I am diagnosed with a sleepdisorder. I don't get to stage 4 (deepest sleep) 90% efficiency is to low according to my doctor. They told me 95% and up is okay

You should also watch your heart rate. In stage 4, your heart rate goes down about 10 bpm. If your heartbeat doesn't slow down, you don't reach stage 4.


I feel sick most of the time due to this sleepdisorder.


sleeplog 19th may 2015






sleeplog 18 th may





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WOW! *I* AM envious!!! wow. You're a superhero. LOL. 🙂

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@Martine1975 wrote:

You should also watch your heart rate. In stage 4, your heart rate goes down about 10 bpm. If your heartbeat doesn't slow down, you don't reach stage 4.


I did not know this, but I did recently notice that on a night that I had a few drinks (okay, maybe more than that), my heartrate never dropped like it normally does when I sleep. It looked as though my heart thought I was up all night but my sleep pattern shows that I was dead to the world. I put my heartrate pictures in the example below for comparison.


After night of drinking:





After a 'normal' night:




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I would love to have that amount of sleep.  The last time I got more than three hours was in April...and that was only 5.2.


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