05-07-2021 20:51
05-07-2021 20:51
Since childhood every once in a while I will remember waking up gasping for air or mid-gasp, and I've been experiencing other symptoms of sleep apnea (sore/dry throat in the morning, daytime drowsiness, and loud snoring which also sometimes wakes me up). Recently I've been experiencing the mid-sleep episodes of gasping more frequently. Which prompted me to get another Fitbit to see if I could catch it on the spO2 chart.
My third night with it, I experienced a mid-gasp episode right at the beginning of the night, which corresponds to the high spikes on the chart in the picture. Otherwise my variance charts seem to bounce up and down below or just above the high line, with a common average spO2 being 95%.
Prior I did make an appointment with my primary care Dr. which I had yesterday (event happened night before), to discuss my symptoms. He did order a sleep study based on symptoms alone (I didn't have to show off my Fitbit data).
Given my situation am I crazy for actually looking forward to the sleep study just so I can have some answers?
05-08-2021 09:54
05-08-2021 09:54
Not crazy at all, @dgilluly ! Sleep apnea can have serious, long term effects on your body. Smart to go to your doctor. Proof it’s smart is the fact he ordered a sleep study. You can do this! Let us know how it works out.
08-16-2021 20:43
08-16-2021 20:43
To post an update on this. I did the sleep study and was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. Now I sleep with an APAP machine.