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Sensitive vs Normal


I have been using sensitive for the last couple of weeks and was wondering what my data looked like in 'normal' and I can't seem to figure out how to do it.  I can change my charge HR setting to normal but the graphs and data all still read as sensitive.  I assumed (perhaps wrongly) that it just recorded all the movement and how it is intepreted is either normal or sensitive? 


I am around 50% with 15-25 'wakeups' (though not actively away) on 8-9 hours of 'sleep' and am generally tired all the time.

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If you want to see previous sleep log in Normal or Sensitive - 


Go to the Log, and the Sleep page. If you hover the mouse over the sleep record, and Edit option with appear.



Select it, and in the lower left of the edit view that appears there is an option to change to Normal or Sensitive depending on what it is already in.



Click on that and it will update your sleep record to show it in the selected sensitivity.




Not sure if it is possible to do more than one at a time unfortunately.

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I'm pretty sure that is not how the settings work. I believe that the nights you go to bed with the tracker in sensitive mode, then the output will be 'sensitive' graphs and the nights that you go to bed with the tracker in normal mode, then the output will be 'normal' graphs. 

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Hmm weird, I had an original fitbit 'long ago' and I felt like you could switch it back and forth and see the display change.  Maybe my brain is just inserting what seems incredibly logical into my memory though 🙂

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If you want to see previous sleep log in Normal or Sensitive - 


Go to the Log, and the Sleep page. If you hover the mouse over the sleep record, and Edit option with appear.



Select it, and in the lower left of the edit view that appears there is an option to change to Normal or Sensitive depending on what it is already in.



Click on that and it will update your sleep record to show it in the selected sensitivity.




Not sure if it is possible to do more than one at a time unfortunately.

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Thanks, glad my memory wasn't deceiving me!  Sadly my times awakened doesn't go down much when switching to normal, though my restless sleep dissapears in theory.


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I hadn't seen that. Thanks @Namyeknom!

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I've wondered the same about the two settings.  I have tried sensitive but I am afraid it is picking up on my husband's movements in bed?  Is that even possible? Anyone else worried that it may be "too sensitive"?  I am genuinely curious. Smiley Wink

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I have the same concerns.  Sensitive seems too sensitive, but normal doesn't seem sensitive enough... haven't come up with a good solution.  

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I'm not sure how useful these settings actually are.


If I set mine to Normal mode it says that I sleep very well. In the mid 90s.


If I set it to sensitive it says that I sleep very badly. In the mid 40s.


One says that I sleep sopundly, the other says that I have 2-3 hour a ight sleep.


I personally think that I sleep through the night, but move around a lot. So I'm not certain how much use the Fitbit data is. So I sleep badly, but am still sleeping, when the band thinks that I'm awake.

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hello, u wonder why my sleep log had diffrent times in the same night-
ucing te sencetive tracking mode. 
i did for d first time start the tracking from  my app , and was "pushing the button" i am awake and it said 4h.24 minits






and  than later when i was looking agin at it was 2h.4 min. 


I do not understrand why it is difrent? when it is the same log? 

sorry aboute my writing skillis maby not so good. 

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I have changed the day, and on the days where I felt particularlly awful in the morning, knowing I didn't get ANY sleep whatsoever the normal setting has me getting over 9 hours of sleep. The sensitive setting has me at 3 hours of sleep. There is too much of a discrepancy for me to believe either one.

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