09-18-2020 07:23
09-18-2020 07:23
Hello, I have seen in many occasions that my sleep heart rate shows an unexpected pattern. In the beginning of the night just when I am falling asleep my heart rate is low but when I fall asleep goes up and after few hours goes down and stay down. If I am rested and in bed and my heart rate is going down I was expecting that after falling asleep it would stay down and go even lower until it stabilizes during the night (except in an even of dream/nightmare). But it shows many times same pattern, flat then mountain then drops down and stays flat. Other nights simple shows a more expected pattern of smooth downward slope until it stabilizes. I can share pictures of the pattern.
Anyone can explain this? Probably quite normal but just unexpected to me.
09-28-2020 09:56
09-28-2020 09:56
Hi @Xostas - It might be worth tracking what you are eating ... how close to bedtime ... and any alcohol. I know from experience that all can affect my sleep. Track it for a week, looking at your sleep reports, and you may find an explanation. Besides tracking food, I also track exercise and pain meds, comparing them to my sleep reports. This has helped me (and my docs) determine the right balance for a good night’s sleep. These Fitbit devices give us a lot of tools!
09-28-2020 10:52
09-28-2020 10:52
Thanks a lot. And yes I agree late meals really make a difference specially when ingested late or closer to bed time (I can see the different patterns and connect with root cause).
I got quite a structured routine daily (no medication, no alcohol). My last meal is no later than 7pm and tends to be on the light side, compared different meals and seen no difference. Then 4 or 5 times a week I work out from 8:15pm to 9:45pm and have a protein shake right after, bed time around 10:45pm. I would say that this routine repeats everyday (except Tuesday, Friday and Saturday - rest days). But the patterns are somehow different and that is definitely something that interests me :). Some days look the same in terms of meals and routine and show a completely different sleeping pattern still didn't figured out why.