04-19-2018 16:23
04-19-2018 16:23
Hey all!
I just saw a neurologist for the first time for excessive daytime sleepiness for the past 5 years. I've actually fallen asleep at the wheel, in class, in meetings, in theaters, recently at the dentist, while in an MRI machine, while standing up during my surgery rotation and scrubbed in (I'm now a physician assistant) and at the hairdresser. I'm 30 years old, no medical conditions, I run 5 miles or more per day and I'm a very healthy eater. My neurologist scheduled me for a sleep study to formally diagnose narcolepsy. I've had several confirmed cases of cataplexy and hypnogogic hallucinations. I frequently have vivid dreams while napping for 10 minutes. I'm weaning myself off of Effexor (venlafaxine) because the neurologist said that this drug suppresses REM sleep and will create a false negative sleep study. It is also prescribed to suppress cataplexy.
My question is, how accurately does the Fitbit charge 2 detect awakenings and R.E.M. Sleep? I have several nights where I've gone from being awake straight into R.E.M. Sleep which is the hallmark of narcolepsy. I know this cannot replace a formal sleep study but I'm just very curious!
Here are a few examples of going straight into R.E.M. Sleep. And this is on Effexor which has helped me immensely with my symptoms!
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
04-19-2018 16:28 - edited 04-19-2018 16:29
04-19-2018 16:28 - edited 04-19-2018 16:29
I can't figure out how to post a screenshot sorry! Anyway you all get the point. I'm interested to hear everyone's experiences!!
04-19-2018 16:28 - edited 04-19-2018 16:29
04-19-2018 16:28 - edited 04-19-2018 16:29
I can't figure out how to post a screenshot sorry! Anyway you all get the point. I'm interested to hear everyone's experiences!!
04-27-2018 12:09
04-27-2018 12:09
@destca01 Good luck with the sleep study, hope they can resolve this for you.
Wearable trackers are usually pretty good at getting a close estimate of your sleep stages. The problems are we are all individuals and are all a bit different. Most of the more accurate trackers take data from heart rate and movement sensors and extrapolate your sleep stages from that. The math involved is designed to give reasonable results for an average person. Also, things like your device loosing heart rate data because it slipped on your arm will throw off the estimates.
Wear your device during the sleep study and you can then compare it's estimates against the gold standard used by the clinic. If you think of it, then share your findings with us. I would love to know.
04-27-2018 14:39
04-27-2018 14:39
@craigk4 thanks for the input! I was just curious as to how accurate they were, and I'll definitely wear it during my sleep study in 2 weeks. I'll keep you posted on the results and their comparison to the Fitbit Charge 2! I find it fascinating that these little devices can track things like our sleep and even when I'm napping during the day! One thing I've noticed is that it seems to recognize when I've been in more actual light and deep sleep - I tend to spend a lot of time in REM sleep (sometimes up to 50% of my sleep time) and when it says I've spent more time in light and deep sleep I tend to feel more rested. Very interesting. Love these things!
06-23-2018 16:14
06-23-2018 16:14
Super interesting! I wonder if they will let you compare your data to the lab results. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy without cataplexy about a year ago with the MSLT. I actually went in hoping I had OSA so I could just wear a cpap and hope I could stay awake all day. Unfortunately not. I’m 37 and also a PA and it can really be a struggle to stay awake charting, etc at work. I use my Fitbit but really am not too sure what an abnormal one would look like specific to narcolepsy. Anyways good luck and give an update 🙂
06-23-2018 19:21
06-23-2018 19:21
@Elizabetta I just had my sleep study and MSLT a few days ago! (Had to reschedule due to work). I have preliminary results of "pathological daytime sleepiness" but they won't give me the full results until I see the neurologist which isn't for a while, October 30th 😞. Hoping they call me with more information sooner. I am fascinated that you're a PA too and were able to get through school because I always doubted my symptoms thinking I'd never get through school if I was really that sleepy! I was actually originally given thyroid medicine for a NORMAL T4 and a TSH of like 5.9 when I was in school and complaining of sleepiness, hallucinations and specifically falling asleep during rotations, even while scrubbed in during surgery! Thankfully I recognized this and stopped taking the levothyroxine. I'd love to hear more about your experiences and how you deal with work. I find myself becoming drowsy while talking to patients... it's so bad! Anyway I bet they would let me compare my sleep graphs so I will keep you posted!
11-04-2018 12:52
11-04-2018 12:52
This is such an interesting thread. I have struggled with sleep attacks since my middle teen years. I too work as an advanced provider (NP) and have fallen asleep while scrubbed in to assist in surgery, and during more school exams than I care to remember. Staying awake through an entire lecture was never even considered in the realm of possibility. Many years ago I started taking Nuvigil 150 mg tablets, 1/2 tab 1-2 times a day, which has basically changed my life. I still have occasional episodes, but am doing much better. I also take fluoxetine 20 mg daily which has all but eliminated my previously mild episodes of cataplexy. I have learned to be extremely careful about the amount of carbohydrates I eat, timing of meals, and eating small meals to decrease postprandial somnolence.
My sleep patterns recorded on my Fitbit Charge 2 seem inconsistent. I haven't seen any sort of persistent pattern.
Good luck with finding effective treatment. My experience is not something I share very often, but behind the anonymity of the internet, it is nice to be able to interact with others that have similar struggles. I hope you get some helpful answers!
11-07-2018 19:51
11-07-2018 19:51
So conclusion - I'm not so sure the sleep tracking is as accurate as people claim. I did test positive for narcolepsy and my tracker didn't really pick up REM sleep in the beginning of the night. 🤷:female_sign: But I'm now treated with Adderall which i don't necessarily like the idea but it's helped. It's not fool proof because I can still get sleep attacks and cataplexy even with taking the Adderall and Effexor. I couldn't tolerate Provigil. But overall much better! As for the Fitbit, I think it's overall okay at detecting an elevated heart rate and estimating REM based on that - but that's only if it's reading your pulse rate accurately.
02-12-2019 19:43
02-12-2019 19:43
I have my 2nd Sleep Study coming up on March 26th and I’m nervous about being off my meds two weeks prior. My sleep specialist thinks that my original diagnoses of Idiopathic Hypersomnia was just the beginning stages of what now looks like early Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. I got the Fitbit Versa a few days ago and my sleep just seems too ‘normal’ haha! I hope they let me wear mine during the sleep test so I can also contribute to this comparison. I am wondering if I’d be better off tracking sleep with a non wearable device. It’s the only real reason why I got this, but I do love it so far.
07-17-2019 21:35
07-17-2019 21:35
I've been a narcoleptic with hypnogogic sleep, collapse when I get emotional since I was a kid. Back then, I was considered lazy.About 20 years ago I found out I actually was bipolar as well.
I think society has gotten beyond the lazy label, but I believe it's unrealistic to expect any device to simulate a sleep study which involves all the electrodes to monitor your sleep. We are not like most people and products are designed for the rest of the population.
The bright side is, having my fidbit does record my steps and as I endeavor to get in better shape; it gives me a rough idea how my resting heart beat is affected.
Finally, I don't think fidbit will begin measuring sleep cycles until you have slept for more than 4? Hours which of course, doesn't work for a narcoleptic who can literally sleep at anytime. Nsrcolepsy is not that common and narcolepsy with cataplexy is even rarer. Add bipolar disorder to that, well for me, I think I might as well be from another planet.smile.
Living with a disability where it's not self evident, like you're blind or your a free bleeder and people can see blood isn't an easy hurdle to negotiate but it can never become an excuse. When I was a kid I was lazy, now I am old and have Provigil and Xyrem. I already kniw I am narcoleptic. Who cares if my Fidbit don't?
04-16-2020 09:37
04-16-2020 09:37
I’ve had narcolepsy since I was 12 but wasn’t diagnosed until 18, and I’m now 23. I’ve had FitBit watches for years and I really don’t think they’re accurate either. I take nuvigil 250 mg and Effexor 150 mg during the day and Xyrem at night. I take the Xyrem in 3 doses so I wake up twice in the night to take the next dose. My tracker seems to think I don’t sleep enough since I also toss and turn in my sleep. Like today, it says I only slept 3 hours 13 minutes last night, when I know for a fact I slept way more than that. It’s too bad these trackers don’t account for sleep disorders.
On another note, to those who are PAs, how did you get through school? Do you have any study tips? I’m studying neuroscience and hoping to become a PA (since my dream of becoming a doctor was crushed by narcolepsy, considering I can’t stay awake overnight). Studying is nearly impossible for me since I fall asleep while reading. I have to listen to books to comprehend them, but since no one pre-records textbook audiobooks, that’s not an option. I’ve asked my sleep doctor, but she told me to just choose a major that requires less reading. Which, unless you’re artistically gifted, is kind of impossible.
I don’t actually know anyone else with narcolepsy so I’m kinda excited to find people in the same boat as me!
04-16-2020 13:12
04-16-2020 13:12
04-17-2020 06:11
04-17-2020 06:11
Hey! So I actually started showing symptoms while in college. It was very gradual for me. I fall asleep after about 10 minutes of reading. Honestly it is possible to get through PA school. I scheduled naps. I put a half hour alarm every time I had to study and it woke me up whenever I fell asleep. I practiced good sleep hygiene, I did not pull all nighters, ate a healthy diet, exercised daily and kept myself healthy. In the end it worked. I graduated and I’m doing very well. Currently I’ve been in family practice for almost 6 years now and I have a great patient panel. Right now I’m in a COVID19 testing tent which sucks. But my point is, it is possible to control your symptoms. I’m currently taking Effexor 150, Wellbutrin 150 and adderall 20 daily. I find with that I can for the most part function. Good luck to you! And wherever you are, stay safe.
10-19-2020 16:38 - edited 10-19-2020 16:39
10-19-2020 16:38 - edited 10-19-2020 16:39
I am a RN, just dx with narcolepsy with cataplexy and mild OSA. School was rough, but I denied I was narcoleptic, although I started symptoms at 5 years of age. It took crashing my car while pregnant to get a diagnosis.
I find work has become harder over the years. I am 43. I also have a toddler and preschooler. I have such a time staying awake. I take Effexor 150 mg and Sunosi 150 mg daily.
Anyone else think it is harder as we get older?
10-19-2020 17:08
10-19-2020 17:08
10-19-2020 19:55
10-19-2020 19:55
I’m only 24 but I’ve had narcolepsy symptoms since I was 12, and I can honestly say it can get harder as you get older. If you don’t use a cpap or bipap, I’d recommend it, since even mild OSA can really exacerbate narcolepsy symptoms. I have mild OSA too and I’ve noticed a pretty big difference since I started using my cpap a few months ago. I don’t know what it’s like to work long hours like nurses do, but I do work long-ish hours and they wipe me out. If you haven’t tried Nuvigil, you should. It’s been a miracle worker for me. As for kids, I don’t have any, so I can’t speak to that.
Also, as an update to my last post (if anyone cares), I was re-diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago. So my studying issues really had nothing to do with narcolepsy. I was diagnosed with ADD when I was in middle school and put on Concerta, which is a stimulant, and which is probably why it took so long for me to be diagnosed with narcolepsy. But when I was finally diagnosed with narcolepsy, they took me off concerta and put me on provigil and later nuvigil, so my ADD symptoms were left untreated.
Now I’m wondering if there’s some sort of connection between narcolepsy, adhd, and high-functioning autism (which I also have)? They all seem to go hand-in-hand. I know autism and narcolepsy are both linked to the neurotransmitter GABA. I’m sure there are connections to other mental illnesses too.
10-19-2020 21:11
10-19-2020 21:11
10-20-2020 19:21
10-20-2020 19:21
I mean, yes. Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder, not a mental illness. But dysfunctional neurotransmitters cause both mental illnesses and [some] neurological disorders. While autism is thought to be caused by an imbalance in the synaptic excitation and inhibition of neurons, depression is thought to be caused by low serotonin levels. ADHD is caused by low dopamine and/or norepinephrine levels (mine is dopamine). And narcolepsy is thought to be caused mainly by low hypocretin levels. So it can be both. Autism isn’t directly caused by GABA, but GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in our brains, so because autism has an imbalance in synaptic inhibition, GABA is thought to be a neurotransmitter that is affected. Hopefully that makes sense.. (sorry for all the medical jargon...)
And I may be 24, but I’ve had narcolepsy symptoms for 12 years, which to me has been long enough to know it gets harder as I get older... I was diagnosed at 18 and had my license suspended until I was on treatment and could prove I could stay awake. This involved a sleep study and then a day study where I had to stay awake while sitting in bed in a very dark room for 50 minutes without anything to do but just sit there. I had to do that 4 times throughout the day. Having narcolepsy, you know how difficult it is to stay awake even in daylight. Somehow, I managed to stay awake each time... I did drift off a few times, but because I managed to snap out of it within 30 seconds each time, I passed. So my license is hard-earned.
And while you can’t always overcome the physical aspects of a disability, you can overcome the mental obstacles that come with living with one. It’s a lot easier to live with narcolepsy if you focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t.