01-31-2022 17:54
01-31-2022 17:54
i was wondering if this was a normal oxygen variation or if this was a possible symptom of sleep apnea. i do suffer from a lot of the symptoms of sleep apnea like daytime fatigue, anxiety, extreme morning dry mouth and a few other things. to make matters worse i have what i imagine to be a severely deviated septum. its so bad that i have trouble sleeping on my right side and i never ever sleep on my back. anyways i was just wondering if anyone has a similar EOV. and if its worth going to the doctor and/or getting a sleep study.
02-01-2022 06:33
02-01-2022 06:33
@dustinmassie I don't believe the data is granular enough to catch sleep apnea. If you suspect sleep apnea I suggest going to a sleep clinic for a sleep study. They can catch instances of stoppage of breathing - how many each hour and the severity of the stoppage on blood oxygen and heart rate.
I speak from experience as my wife urged me to get into a study when she caught me gasping while asleep. I was diagnosed with severe apnea and was on a CPAP for several years. A few years later my wife and I went on a joint diet and I lost about 60 pounds. At that point I found that the CPAP air was keeping me awake instead of helping me sleep. A follow up study showed normal sleep. I was one of the lucky ones where the apnea was a result of being overweight and have not needed the CPAP since.
Warren | Cincinnati, OH
Versa Lite, Ionic, Charge3, Inspire HR, Blaze(retired), Alta( retired),- Pixel 3
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