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Aug 08, 2023

What are the Fitbit Community Step Challenges?

Fitbit Moderator

Hey Fitbit community, 

Staying motivated to be active doesn’t always come easy. That’s why we love the fun-themed community step challenges held every month in the Get Moving board of the Fitbit Community! Whether you’re brand new to these challenges or just want to learn more , let us show you what to expect  and get to know the man who creates these community monthly challenges.

What are the Fitbit Community Step Challenges?

Each community step challenge is held in the Get Moving board of the Fitbit Community and starts fresh each month. Any community member can join, publicly set their goals for the month, and report in every few days on their progress. Step challenges are a great way to motivate yourself, since you are doing them alongside your fellow community members and even better - you are your only competition! You can also look back on each month by posting your progress in the Challenge threads and try to improve with each challenge. Though the main challenge is step count, members will often track other exercises as well. 

Who is the Community member behind these Challenges?

Step into the mind of Scott Myers, a longtime Fitbit user, valuable  community member and Product Expert for six years, who creates monthly step challenges for our Fitbit community to join. Scott was passionate about fellow community members getting their steps in, so he actually took over the challenges from another community member back in October 2017. Then he started creating fun themes and adding a photo scavenger hunt to the challenges as a way to get more people outside showing off their surroundings and getting in their steps while they’re doing it. 

Scott spoke to the Fitbit Community team to share his love for step challenges and some fun facts about his favorite places to get steps in:

Q: Name a few of your top moments from creating these challenges. 

A: Surprising pictures. In October, the photo scavenger hunt is usually changing season (autumn or spring) pics and halloween costumes. Halloween is mostly a U.S. thing, but in 2014 I was on a river cruise that stopped in Vienna and I photobombed a bunch of ghouls — or maybe they just humored my wife who got me to wear the skeleton apron.

Q: What's been your favorite challenge so far? 

A: It’s more about eating habits than steps, but I really felt like I accomplished something about 5 years ago when I got the 45 lbs weight-loss badge. I’ve maintained most of that loss for the past six years now in part because running this monthly challenge keeps me focused on my own health.

Q: What's your favorite place to get your steps in? 

A:  A GPS walk on a cruise ship. I’ve got a few of those tracks, it’s fun to see that you were ‘walking on water’ off the coast of Cuba or on the Danube between Vienna and Budapest.

Scott Myers in a skeleton apron on a river cruise in Vienna with a bunch of ghouls in 2014.Scott Myers in a skeleton apron on a river cruise in Vienna with a bunch of ghouls in 2014.


 Join a Fitbit Community Step Challenge 

Scott’s love for creating step challenges and being active is truly inspiring. We love to see our community members come together each month and encourage each other to be their best selves. 

Ready to get started in a step challenge? Find the August Community Step Challenge on the Get Moving board. Be sure to join the discussion about these challenges and let us know your favorite place to get your steps in. 

Your Fitbit Community Team