05-25-2024 06:24
05-25-2024 06:24
Dear community,
I am trying to get into contact with the Fitbit/Google help team, but constantly get anwers that do not fully fit my situation. Hopefully anyone can help or does have suggestions.
My ultimate goal is to sync/migrate my Google (GM1) and Fitbit (FB1) accounts. To discribe the situation clear, i'll make use of some abbriviations: MO1 for my MS office account which is hacked and not available anymore. MO2, for my current MS office account. FB1/FB2 for my fitbit accounts. GM1 for my Google account.
When I try to sync/migrate GM1 and FB2, I get an error message. It communicates, that my GM1 account is already synced with my FB1 account. I have to deactivate my FB1 account. However, this FB1 account, is connected (Login, such as password and name) with my MO1 account. I do not have access to this account anymore. so password change is not possible anymore.
Fitbit keeps telling me how to change a password or how to deactivate an account, but how can you do this if you do not have possesion of the login details anymore?