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5xx on specific API

Since approximately 1630 UTC 25th March 2018, I have been getting errors for the following API call.


An error occurred with the Fitbit Web API while processing the request. Error id: A29EA7CC:6429_A92D91CB:01BB_5AB89042_7C585E76:75A7

It appears to be consistently failing on this specific URL. Other time series like step, weight, etc work fine.


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Still facing the issue.


The problem appears to be limited to :-


1. /1/user/-/activities/minutesSedentary/date/2016-05-01/today.json

2. /1/user/-/activities/minutesLightlyActive/date/2016-05-01/today.json

3. /1/user/-/activities/minutesFairlyActive/date/2016-05-01/today.json

4. /1/user/-/activities/minutesVeryActive/date/2016-05-01/today.json



< HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
< Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2018 09:46:43 GMT
< Content-Type: text/plain
< Content-Length: 215
< Connection: keep-alive
< Vary: Origin
< Cache-control: no-cache, private
< Content-Language: en
< Fitbit-Rate-Limit-Limit: 150
< Fitbit-Rate-Limit-Remaining: 130
< Fitbit-Rate-Limit-Reset: 797
< X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
< Expect-CT: max-age=604800, report-uri=""
< Server: cloudflare
< CF-RAY: 4020ee717d75a8fa-SIN



But if i choose shorter duration it works. 


/1/user/-/activities/minutesSedentary/date/2016-05-01/today.json - FAILS

/1/user/-/activities/minutesVeryActive/date/2016-05-01/2018-03-26.json - FAILS

/1/user/-/activities/minutesVeryActive/date/2016-05-01/2018-03-25.json - Works

/1/user/-/activities/minutesVeryActive/date/2016-05-02/2018-03-26.json - Works


Is there a limit of hidden limit of 694 days for activity timeseries?



1. What are the date-range limits for various timeseries API endpoints?

2. Can we get a better error response? Instead of "An error occurred with the Fitbit Web API while processing the request.", a better response would be (status=400) "The limit foractivities/minutesSedentary is 694 days"


The primary reason I use (and advocate for) Fitbit is the API access to get my personal data. 

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Hi @sajal, thanks for reporting the behavior you're seeing. We're always working on improving the experience when it comes to our Web API.


As for your questions, we suggest limiting splitting your query in to multiple queries and limiting them to a year each for now while we work through setting a concrete limit for these requests.


We should definitely be returning a better error for this error. We've made a note of this but we currently have no ETA for when this will be implemented.

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