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Active energy derivation

To Fitbit Dev Team:

I would like to get an Active Energy number from the activity summary results. Active energy would be defined simply as energy above and beyond BMR.


The question around defintion of activityCalories, caloriesBMR and caloriesOut has been asked and answered in some level of detail before with your response as 


activityCalories: calories burned during the day for periods of time the user was active above sedentary level. includes BMR.


caloriesBMR: only BMR calories (the calories you burn just by being alive)


caloriesOut: calories burned by the user. includes BMR.


It follows  then that  ActiveEnergy = caloriesOut - caloriesBMR. Simple. Correct?


It also follows that ActiveEnergy = activeCalories - (caloriesBMR / minutesInFitBitDay * totalActiveMinutes)


minutesInFitBitDay are the number of "minutes-to-date" in the day requested at the time of the API call.

totalActiveMinutes is the sum of veryActiveMinutes, fairlyActiveMinutes and lightlyActiveMinutes. 



Example using real data from the api at bottom of post. This is for a full day 1440 mins., total active minutes is 261

2796 - 1645  !== 1321 - (1645/1440*261)

1151 !== 1022



How to explain this? And which if either is the  active energy value?




summary = Object
activeScore = -1
activityCalories = 1321
caloriesBMR = 1645
caloriesOut = 2796
distances = Array[7]
elevation = 54.86
fairlyActiveMinutes = 50
floors = 18
lightlyActiveMinutes = 164
marginalCalories = 818
sedentaryMinutes = 618
steps = 10678
veryActiveMinutes = 47

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Apparently Fitbit doesn't monitor their own forums?  Waste of time to post

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