03-06-2015 06:46
03-06-2015 06:46
i stored the user permanent accesstoken and tokensecret (and encoded userid) in my database.
As i read in the forum, this tokens are not expire, just when the user re-authenticate my app or revoke the rights.
This means, that i can use these token to access the user data without notifying the user?
My idea is:
I.) authenticating the user in the phone, then store the credentials in an azure database
II.) in a mobile services scheduled job (running once a day), download the last day summaryzed step data with the stored credentials
III.) send a push notification to the user (E.g. Yesterday you stepped x, well done etc.)
1.) Is there any problem with that workflow?
2.) In my app settings i setted the Default Access Type to read-only, is it okay?
3.) The callback url is my website, but i'm not calling the data request from there. That can be a problem?
4.) The application type is setted to browser, is there any difference with desktop (or just only that the verifier need to be typed manually, arent in the callback url)
I'm facing a problem, i can make request right after the authentication, but if i try with just the stored credentials (later, or after a server restart), i got "Invalid signature or token" error. Seems like i got only permanent tokens.
Thanks for your help.
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
03-09-2015 07:12
03-09-2015 07:12
1) no
2) yes, it's okay
3) callback is needed so that when user clicks allow access button fitbit knows where to send the verification code so your app can exchange it to permanent access token and secret.
4) Yep you're right this is the only difference.
Try to debug your code. If you're able to make request once, you definitely should be able to make the same request later with the same permanent access token and secret.
The only thing I can think of(assuming that we *think* your code works properly), is that Fitbit user rejects access for your app to use his data.
03-16-2015 02:10
03-16-2015 02:10
The tokens are valid - as i said before.
The problem is solved now, but i dont know why.
I just moved the authentication to the web (in the web api project), and now its working.
I dont know why, because i do the same things that i write on the client - but the 1 hour limit removed.
04-07-2015 08:20
04-07-2015 08:20
There is absolutely nothing to do with bearer token. We do not provide oauth2 access yet.
The message delightfully says exactly what is wrong: you had not provided Authorization header. There is no other reason in the wolrd so that you you'll get this message.
The Fitbit API debug page lets you to execute CURLs online(if you click on "Send to Hurl.it" link).
I suggest you first make sure you can execute requests from Fitbit API debug page and then, once you sure you can make requests from there, you can compare requests your code generates to the requests that generated by Fitbit API debug page.
Also beware CURL is just an simple example for debugging so developers can see how ther http request should look like. Most of applications prefer using http libraries to make requests from code.
03-09-2015 07:12
03-09-2015 07:12
1) no
2) yes, it's okay
3) callback is needed so that when user clicks allow access button fitbit knows where to send the verification code so your app can exchange it to permanent access token and secret.
4) Yep you're right this is the only difference.
Try to debug your code. If you're able to make request once, you definitely should be able to make the same request later with the same permanent access token and secret.
The only thing I can think of(assuming that we *think* your code works properly), is that Fitbit user rejects access for your app to use his data.
03-10-2015 01:46
03-10-2015 01:46
I'm using my own account as user, so i know that i dont revoke the access...
I dont get it, why can i access once but no more.
Can more application access to the same user data? I'm using WP, android and desktop sync application with my account.
I'm using this string to acces the data:
I think its ok.
03-13-2015 09:06
03-13-2015 09:06
Please try to use your client key, client key secret and token credentials at this page: https://dev.fitbit.com/apps/oauthtutorialpage
and see if you can make a request.
03-16-2015 02:10
03-16-2015 02:10
The tokens are valid - as i said before.
The problem is solved now, but i dont know why.
I just moved the authentication to the web (in the web api project), and now its working.
I dont know why, because i do the same things that i write on the client - but the 1 hour limit removed.
03-18-2015 05:39
03-18-2015 05:39
I am working on an app that gets fitbit user details from the repo. I dont want the fitbit device user to authorise my app more than once. When the user authorises, i save the acess token and secret in database and later try to create the request. Thats where i fail. I am using java. in case you have the issue, can you share some idea on it, even if your code is developed in other language.
03-18-2015 06:10 - edited 03-18-2015 06:11
03-18-2015 06:10 - edited 03-18-2015 06:11
Actually, it seems i dont have a fully working sollution.
I moved the authentication to the MVC5 site, so i can access the data with the stored keys now, but i got webexcepcion 401 sometimes.
Currently, I'm working on jawbone authentication (and i'm facing the same problem with that), if that work i will move back to fitbit.
what error do you get?
03-18-2015 06:17
03-18-2015 06:17
I am not able to generate oauth_signature.
any idea how to do it. what i understand it is generated from "consumersecret & accesstokensecret" and then some base64 encoding. thats where i get stuck.. on which jars to import, etc.
Thank you,
03-18-2015 06:47 - edited 03-18-2015 06:50
03-18-2015 06:47 - edited 03-18-2015 06:50
I dont recommend to manually make an oauth sign, but if you reaaaaaly want to (its in c#, but you will know the flow 😉 😞
var epoch = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds;
string oauth_nonce = "freeubi"; //random string
string oauth_signature_method = "HMAC-SHA1";
string consumer_key= "-"; //your consumer key
HMACSHA1 coder = new HMACSHA1();
coder.Key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("&" + currentUser.Fitbit_oauthSecret); //the utf8 is important!!!
string Signature_Base_String= "GET&https%3A%2F%2Fapi.fitbit.com%2F1%2Fuser%2F"+fitbit_encoded_userid+"%2Fprofile.json&oauth_consumer_key%3D"+consumer_key+ " %26oauth_nonce%3Dfreeubi%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D" + epoch.ToString("0") + "%26oauth_version%3D1.0"; //this is the string to access the user data
var output = coder.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Signature_Base_String)); // also utf8!!!
string signature = Convert.ToBase64String(output, 0, output.Length); //but this is base64
its working on windowsphone, but just right after the authentication.
03-19-2015 03:32
03-19-2015 03:32
1. in the fitbit debug tool, the "base string" contains the permanent access token as auth_token parameter along with the parameters you mentioned. ( I am able to create the base string as you suggested along with the auth_token parameter)
2. The signed with value consists of client secret & permanent access secret.
3. The signature contains a string thats ends with a equals sign (=). I am unable to create that as i am looking for a class that works similar to HMACSHA1 in your code.
4. After you get the signature, how do you send the request.
Please share your thoughts on these.
03-20-2015 03:38
03-20-2015 03:38
1. in the fitbit debug tool, the "base string" contains the permanent access token as auth_token parameter along with the parameters you mentioned. ( I am able to create the base string as you suggested along with the auth_token parameter)
2. The signed with value consists of client secret & permanent access secret.
3. The signature contains a string thats ends with a equals sign (=). I am unable to create that as i am looking for a class that works similar to HMACSHA1 in your code.
4. After you get the signature, how do you send the request.
Please share your thoughts on these.
04-06-2015 03:20
04-06-2015 03:20
I tried many things since I last spoke to you. I create a base_String = GET&https%3A%2F%2Fapi.fitbit.com%2F1%2Fuser%2F36VRGQ%2Factivities%2Fdate%2F2015-02-25.json&oauth_consumer_key%3D"+consumer_key+"%26oauth_nonce%3D1428313966%26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1428313966%26oauth_token%3D"+auth_token+"%26oauth_version%3D1.0
I generate the auth_signature using scribe in my java code as:
HMACSha1SignatureService hmacService = new HMACSha1SignatureService();
auth_signature = hmacService.getSignature(baseString, clientSecret, auth_secret);
and the outcome looks good.
the curl command is
C:/work/curl-7.33.0-win64-nossl/curl.exe -X GET -i
-H 'Authorization:OAuth oauth_consumer_key="155a7cd4b77743bea5a4a2b7ba4dcc39", oauth_nonce="1428313966", oauth_signature="Kj8X2hC73SIMVjLeBfd3SPoTKJo%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1428313966" oauth_token="87516ad3440b46d77e0aff66b89f8651", oauth_version="1.0"'
This is exactly like that is shown in the fitbit page: https://dev.fitbit.com/apps/oauthtutorialpage
but this do not execute.
Q1. is it any error in my variables.
Q2. I am running this on curl installed on my windows OS laptop. do i need to run it on linuc to make it work ?
Q3. I think i need to pass base_string, clientSecret, auth_secret to generate the auth_signature. am I correct ?
Please respond. I need to get data for mulitple fitbit users who have approved my app already
04-06-2015 08:38
04-06-2015 08:38
What message are you getting back?
04-06-2015 22:45
04-06-2015 22:45
As I said in my last mail, no message is returned in this case. The execution just stops with this italicised statements below.
curlcmd as string parameter: C:/work/curl-7.33.0-win64-nossl/curl.exe -X GET -i
-H 'Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="155a7cd4b77743bea5a4a2b7ba4dcc39", oauth_nonce="1428384960", oauth_signature="sb0a58DUlVSTiFC5n24wE6Z2Q1g%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1428384960" oauth_token="4f026121f3dbe8cf7f58fee6fcb1bafb", oauth_version="1.0"'
process waitfor 1
input size: null
the output is:
Not sure what stops it from excuting or at least return a error message.
today i will stream the curl command to a .cmd file in windows and execute it from there. hope i move forward.
04-07-2015 04:11
04-07-2015 04:11
I aam getting the error
{"errors":[{"errorType":"oauth","fieldName":"n/a","message":"No Authorization header provided in the request. Each call to Fitbit API should be OAuth signed"}],"success":false}
The base string, auth-token, client_secret are still same.
04-07-2015 04:24
04-07-2015 04:24
Send the bearer token also...
04-07-2015 04:36
04-07-2015 04:36
i am sorry but can you point me to the bearer token 🙂
which one is that pls.
04-07-2015 08:20
04-07-2015 08:20
There is absolutely nothing to do with bearer token. We do not provide oauth2 access yet.
The message delightfully says exactly what is wrong: you had not provided Authorization header. There is no other reason in the wolrd so that you you'll get this message.
The Fitbit API debug page lets you to execute CURLs online(if you click on "Send to Hurl.it" link).
I suggest you first make sure you can execute requests from Fitbit API debug page and then, once you sure you can make requests from there, you can compare requests your code generates to the requests that generated by Fitbit API debug page.
Also beware CURL is just an simple example for debugging so developers can see how ther http request should look like. Most of applications prefer using http libraries to make requests from code.
04-08-2015 00:43
04-08-2015 00:43
Hi Ivan,
Thanks for clearing the doubt on the bearer token.
In last 2 months, I have executed requests 100+ times on the Fitbit API debug page successfully. When I run my java code, opens this url in the browser http://d8l8102.in.nam.ad.pwcinternal.com:8080/FBApp/fitbitApiAuthExample. This asks the user to click 'Deny' or 'Allow'. Once allowed the jsp displays activity for a date and his user profile (thats how I coded them). I store user's entityid, permanent access token and permanent access token secret in database,
I want my app to be approved by as many users for whom I can get fitbit repository data at regular intervals for analytics (until the user revokes my app). I want to achieve by creating the curl command as displayed in the Fitbit API debug page. But I am getting the error shared in my last message.
You suggested using http libraries to make requests from code, can you please suggest me any particular library for java.
Thanks in advance,
04-10-2015 03:07
04-10-2015 03:07
Hi Ivan,
I think I have solved my problem.
Thanks a lot