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Fitbit API for personal use....?

Dear all, 


I would like to track my own personal account Fitbit data to perform analytics and obtain insights into my performance on a real time basis using Python code I intend to write. To perform this, I require access to Fitibt APIs which in turn requires information on website portals and callback URLs and organization privacy policies, etc. 

Please note this is intended for my own personal use and shall not be distributed to anyone else - I only need access to my own userdata on a real time basis (hence API required). 


Is this allowed? If so, how best can I proceed to get an authentication code?


Thanks in advance!

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If you really want real-time data, you can't use the web API, because its data only gets updated when the watch syncs. You'll need to use the device and companion APIs. The good news is that you don't need to use oauth to get data from those APIs. The bad news is that it's very difficult to get data from those APIs into your own code.

Peter McLennan
Gondwana Software
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As far as I know, most of the entries when you register an app are just used when you publish the app, which you would probably never do. Also note that there is an option to register the app as "personal," giving access just to your own data.

I think you should be able to just enter a random URL for the callback and then drive the authorization from python. Just make sure you're not following the redirect and parse the authorization code from the response. In fact, using the implicit grant flow you can skip the token step since you'll get the access token from the authorization step.

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