04-03-2023 09:32
04-03-2023 09:32
When I try to generate a PKCE and State Values and push on the generate button, nothing happens. Not new code whatever. I entered the client_id and client_secret. But it won't generate code.
The link is https://dev.fitbit.com/build/reference/web-api/troubleshooting-guide/oauth2-tutorial. I've tried this under edge and chrome. both give me no PKCE Code. Because of this I cannot generate acces or refresh or autorisation code.
Please inform me how I can get the code generated.
04-06-2023 12:00
04-06-2023 12:00
Hi @weusthofm,
Thanks for reporting this. I'm also not able to generate a PKCE code. This looks like a bug and I'll file a ticket to engineering. Thanks for spotting this!
In the meantime, you can refer to our Authorization documentation to test the PKCE flow in your existing environment.
I'll post here when I receive an update for the issue.
04-06-2023 14:01
04-06-2023 14:01
@weusthofm Engineering was unable to reproduce the issue and was able to generate the PKCE verifier. When I cleared my browser cache and cookies, I was able to generate the PKCE verifier successfully. Could you try doing the same and let me know if you're still unable to generate the verifier?