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I need help getting started

Hello my step dad is wanting me to make him a program that pulls users steps and matches them to goals on a website. I planned on making this using a Java applet. But I can't seem to find where to download the librarys at? I followed the steps and the link in the quick start guide and it lead me here: And i downloaded the zip but it has no librarys for me to import into eclipse. What am I doing wrong?

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Can you please clarify what libraries you talking about?


Fitbit library iself is here:

 and list of dependent jars you can extract from here:

and download from maven central repository.


P.S. beware that fitbit4j library is not actively supported at this time.

Ivan Bahdanau
Senior Software Developer at Fitbit
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Ok i got the main library but I can't seem to get the dependets. Im kinda lost on what to do on that website. Im sorry for the trouble.

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I didn't say you should not use fitbit4j , you may use it. It's up to you what library to use. All you need to do from your java code is execute different type of requests and be able to sign them properly.


If I had to choose java library now I'd go with oauth.jar and oauth-provider.jar.


I'd suggest you to go though first so you'll have better understanding on what libraries you need.


Once you get familiarized with Fitbit API documentation you can also check out it has some examples on how you can authorise yourself to make API requests and actually make a request.

Ivan Bahdanau
Senior Software Developer at Fitbit
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