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Issues with data during change to DST

We observed some weird behaviour during the recent change to DST in Europe.

Two different devices returned data in different time:

- first device (One) submitted sleep data with the new offset (CEST, +2) - actual sleep from 23:23 (CET) to 10:16 (CEST), API and dashboard showing times from 0:23 to 10:16, iPhone app showing times from 0:23 to 11:17

- second device (One) submitted sleep data with the old offset (CET, +1) - actual sleep from 0:57 (CET) to 10:20 (CEST), API showing times from 0:57 to 9:20, iPhone app showing times from 0:56 to 10:20

- third device (Charge) submitted sleep data with times in active timezone - actual sleep from 0:05 (CET) to 9:39 (CEST), API and dashboard showing times from 0:05 to 9:39, iPhone app showing times from 0:05 to 10:40


If this is right:

- One has a very weird submitting of time - depends on when time on Fitbit device changed

- Charge submits time right but the duration is wrong - no idea what it uses to fill in the blank hour


Is this a known issue? Will it be fixed before the next DST change (2015-10-25)?

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The devices have to sync to get the new timezone. The start event will have the time on the device when the button is held down. The timezone can change during a sleep event. In this case, the end time will be the time displayed when you hold the button a second time to complete.

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If what you're saying is right this explains why the two Ones have different wake up times - one got synced during the night and the other didn't.


The weird part is that all the minute data is there in the API response - which can't be right. If a DST change is applied the clock "jumps" one hour forward, so there should be a gap in the data. This does not happen in any of the devices, which gives the wrong durations.


It also seems that the iOS app shows the times wrong - I have a screenshot from 10:37 that says I've slept till 11:17...

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