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Recognize Manually Edited Activity


We have integrated the Fitbit API into our app. We are mainly reading the step data from the app. Recently we found that its possible to edit a activity created by the Fitbit tracker. 

e.g: I walked 1 hour in the morning so my step count was around 1200. This was tracked using my Fitbit blaze.

I then went to the activity and edited the walking time to be around 6 hours so my steps got adjusted to around 40k. Now when I request data using the Fitbit API, I get 40k steps for today.

Is it possible using the current API to recognize and avoid such tampering of the step data ?

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We've encountered this issue too when integrating Fitbit in our app. The Fitbit Time Series API only allows you to pull: 

1. Tracker Activity: which is information generated only by Fitbit Devices

2. Both/All: Tracker and manually entered data.


To my knowledge there is no existing endpoint that would allow you to pull just manually entered data. Even, if you could do this, Fitbit does some custom data merging logic. 

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