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Signing into the same app on two devices



I'm currently writing a Fitbit app for Ubuntu, which would allow for the same app to be used on multiple devices (for example, its on my phone and on my desktop).  The problem is that when I log in with my account on the second device (say, my PC), it seems to remove access from my first device (my phone).  Is this expected?  Is there any way around this?

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Yes.This is expected behavior.

For security reasons you can not authorize more then one application per consumer key.


The workarounds would be:

1) create two applications on

2) Alternatively you may have a way to let your  web application and mobile application to re-use the same access token and access token secret.


Ivan Bahdanau
Senior Software Developer at Fitbit
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@cwayne18 wrote:



I'm currently writing a Fitbit app for Ubuntu, which would allow for the same app to be used on multiple devices (for example, its on my phone and on my desktop).  The problem is that when I log in with my account on the second device (say, my PC), it seems to remove access from my first device (my phone).  Is this expected?  Is there any way around this?

One possible work around is to have your app store the credentials on the server and make those API calls from the server or securely pass the credentials from the server to the client.


This is something that will be addressed with OAuth 2.

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Ah, okay.. So I'll just need to register each form-factor as a different app then (certainly less than ideal, but I suppose it makes sense)

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Do you have an ETA on when the switch to OAuth2 will occur?

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@cwayne18 wrote:

Do you have an ETA on when the switch to OAuth2 will occur?

In the coming months.

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