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Sleep Log Web Api asleep minutes does not match FitBit stages or Fitbit UI, making my app look wrong

Any help on this? 
I'm using the following endpoint

Fitbit::BASE_FITBIT_API_URL . "/1.2/user/-/sleep/list.json?offset=0&limit=100&sort=desc&afterDate=" . $date,


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I'm seeing the same thing currently. 
I'm specifically looking "light", "wake", "deep", "rem" attributes in the Summary of the sleep response.
I've verified it with the web api explorer, so it's not just a problem with my code or the python-fitbit library. 
I compared it to the app and a CSV export. App and CSV export are consistent.

WEB api is throwing out clearly wrong numbers. In fact, there's 3 days in a row that are showing the exact same numbers.

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