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Using WebParsing to get steps?



I'm a beginner in programming and are currently using Rainmeter ( ). I wish to create a skin for Fitbit where I wanna be able to show the current daily steps on my desktop.

As it is now, I can't do that due on the public profile page the only way to see todays current step is by the chart, which is using flash and I can't parse from it.

The only I really can parse is the % amount of steps I completed my weekly goal.


On the dashboard it is possible to parse (almost) everything, and I would be happy to be able to do that.

However it required to log in, and webparsing using its own 'browser' to view the page, so in order to get that it has to have some kind of http authentication.

(everything about the parsing here: )


So I wonder, is it possible somewhere that I can make a Rainmeter theme including stuffs like daily steps and other things I can view on my dashboard?

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