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Very Active Minutes Intraday Data

Hi everyone

Over the past couple of weeks I've sent this question to the api support email adres twice, but haven't got any response yet.

I hope anyone can get back to me about the following issue:

At the moment we are developing a web portal for one of our clients.
The portal will support their business of in-company health coaching of employees.
The portal would include some pages which would make use of the fitbit API.
One of our clients' requests is to generate an overview of the very active minutes for a certain time range.
Ideally they would like to see different blocks of very active minutes within each day.

From my understanding, this is called intraday data, but therefor we would need to be on the partnership level and even then,
the API currently does not offer the very active minutes as intraday data (only calories, steps, distance, floors, elevation).

Could anyone help us out with this matter? Is there any way we could get access to this data?


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